I hope I post this in the right place.
As you’ve probably noticed in the latest dev diary we got a serious info dump on Nurgloth and a bit on his schemes. I just want to say that I really appreciate that we get some more lore on Vermintide, and this character in particular.
And please Fatshark, please feed us more lore along with new content for the game.
So, what I’m hearing is that Nurgloth the Eternal is the Rotbloods’ chief soothsayer and Burblespue Halescourge’s chief rival. Seems that while Halescourge keeps his squalid little throne because of those rotten little sorceries of his, Nurgloth can see the future … or bits of it, at least. Yeah, because that’s never gone wrong for anyone. My contacts reckon he’s even caught glimpses of the Realm of Chaos, so it’s safe to say that the poor bugger’s mad as a goblin doomdiver, on top of everything else.
Problem is, a seer’s only as good as his last prediction. While Halescourge is busy turning the Reikland’s finest into seeping goo, Nurgloth looks to be losing his status. Which’d explain why he’s looking for a way to get back into his chieftain’s good graces – or possibly his recently-emptied throne. You know what these northlanders are like.
‘Course, Nurgloth could just challenge his rivals and have done, but he’s cannier than that. He’s heard about our old mate Constant Drachenfels’ fascination with daemons. Let’s face it, if you’re a maniacal daemon-cavorting northlander, Old Drachenfels can likely teach you a useful trick or two – probably not in person, mind, but he’s bound to have left some notes about the place. Maybe even the odd captive daemon or two.
Now, much as I’m all for folk bettering themselves, I don’t think we can let this proceed. True, if Nurgloth gets what he wants out of Castle Drachenfels, he’s gonna settle a few scores in the tribe first. But when that’s done? Well, that ain’t gonna end well for the Reikland, now is it? Seems we’d better give him a lesson of our own before that happens.
From the March 13 Dev update.
I assume this is what @Slayerkin was talking about?
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March 20, 2020, 5:47pm
Oh right, yes, off course! Read that. Thought I missed something else. Thanks for reminding me. And indeed, some very appreciated info FS!
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Read that.
Good. If you hadn’t I would have to ask you who you are and what you have done to TmanDW.
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What @EnragedFountain posted was pretty much was I was talking about. I love lore to the games I play and its great when we get some.