Thank you Fatshark, for not listening to tryhards and not making the game worse

It really is a breath of fresh air. Fatshark really nailed the formula for that axe. I hit a dude and he dies WOW. I wish more melee weapons could do that.
It truly is relatively OP because 90% of melee weapons is hot garbage.


Yeah, exactly. I wish the other weapons were like that.


When did i say Powersword is OP? Are you ascribing your own statements to me?

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Shut up dude! We want less whining not more, dont pour fuel to their whine fire :frowning:

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shii ur right! mb mb

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As polite as I can make it:

The satisfaction of the visceral weaponplay is one of the few things that the game currently has going for it. Opting for nerfing would effectively yield a new damage point to player enjoyment at a time when Darktide can afford to lose NO ONE.

From a 30,000 ft. view, what doesn’t seem to fully resonate to the pro-nerf camp is that this position hinges on taking something away from another group, making them actively poorer as a result. Again, at a time when the game can afford to lose no one.

The phrase “robbing Peter to pay Paul” comes to mind. The result is absolutist and exclusionary. If you take issue with such a description, then what are you offering in return? Nebulous claims of “game balance” are insufficient and subjective (not to mention that such claims often seem to serve as little more than post-facto justification). Whether that’s the intention or not is immaterial, unfortunately.

Conversely, those opposed to said nerfing can be kept largely content by simply doing nothing, at a time when FatShark’s attention could and indeed probably SHOULD be better spent elsewhere (last I checked, consumables still get locked in the world geometry).

Not to mention that with the crafting system in its current, unfinished, shoddy state, some of us have grinded for days to weeks, through maddening trial and error to find their desired weapon build, IF they’ve even managed to do so yet at all. Implementing weapon nerfs in the manner that some have suggested would undermine all of that, and just add further fuel to the flames of player exasperation.

Speaking for myself, this game is one of the few indulgences I have after work, and frankly, I’ve grown to rather resent the cries of “please nerf weapon to MY preference”, because this effectively comes across as some busy-body trying to deny me my fun to enhance their own. Again, regardless of one’s intent.

I don’t expect I’ll change anyone’s mind one way or the other, and I hope I’ve stayed respectful (apologies if not), but I wanted to at least offer some perspective.



You didn’t read @Axehilt comment properly , they didn’t specify powersword, they just said an overpowered weapon.


Thank you! Spot on


I asked, " How is it “smarter” to buff every other weapon and every enemy rather than reduce the strength of one overpowered thing?"

Your reason was, “Because its not OP and its ALWAYS better to make more weapons more fun and enjoyable to play.”

So you

  • were calling overpowered things not OP
  • didn’t really provide a reason it was smarter to buff every single other weapon and enemy. (You know, changes that ultimately have THE EXACT same effect overall as just nerfing the one OP thing.)

So I wasn’t talking about power swords (though it feels like a Freudian Slip that you’d bring it up while we’re talking about overpowered things, yeah?).


Well, it may be smarter in the sense of, Fatshark is very aware of how angry everyone is right now and is desperate to avoid triggering any sense of loss aversion in their players…


Well I see you’re truly approaching this from a rational standpoint that isn’t even remotely attempting to invent things I said. Don’t put words in my mouth.

Uh, no. Literally none of that is what I said. I like how you totally failed to realize the irony of an inversion of your own statement. My god. No, they should balance the game around a very clear idea of having the game remain challenging without just enabling a power fantasy. By no means do I think we need to just slash weapon power across the board or some BS like that. My point of that statement was that both views are ridiculous.

Balance will literally never be perfect. Nerfs are needed just as much as buffs many times unless people are massively underperforming. (Which they aren’t in my experience, unless the player is genuinely playing poorly) If you only focus on buffing weapons up, eventually things will start to overshadow others. There’s some very clear winners in most categories, buffing everything up to their level right now would make the game significantly easier on the whole. How do we then balance whatever becomes the strongest from there? More buffs?

This is exhausting. Once again nothing I said. Buffs and nerfs are needed. Not solely buffs. Not solely nerfs. Yet again, stop inventing things I never said. It’s genuinely kinda pissing me off, though maybe that’s your intention.

Listing the most egregious example from what is effectively this game’s prequel isn’t nothing to do with it? “Harping” about it? I listed it once. Did I say anything about power sword outside of specifically stating I didn’t want to talk about power sword? No? Then stop harping about the power sword. Thanks. Kindly actually respond to things I said instead of straw men everywhere.

Did I say literally any of that?

Just… ugh. Since it flew over your head I’ll sum it up as simply as I can: Balance requires both nerfs and buffs. Praising them solely for buffs while getting upset at any nerfs is ignorant.


Yeah and that’s an example of a good reason to avoid nerfs.

I mean it shouldn’t be a good reason. People should be rational and want the game to take the fewest, most efficient steps towards good balance possible. But people don’t want that and irrationally are against nerfs at any cost. So in the short-term sure, mitigate against even more anger I guess.


As evidenced by Dexta’s response to me, surely people would be rational about things and not have knee jerk reactions to the idea of any nerfs whatsoever, right?



My preference would be to fix things so that weapons are doing what they’re supposed to, then make all the weapons viable/fun to play, and then start tuning things down.


There s no overpowered things, it’s 40k arsenal, and it’s like that, DT is under GW licence so it must be accurate. If you dislike 40k lore and it’s your right, play an other game :person_shrugging:


If you want 100% lore authentic 40k experience then FS would have to remove powerswords and plasma guns from the game. The wouldn’t be wasted on rejects.

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Some penal legions give their prisoners a carte blanche on weapons they want, especially if it’s a strategically important suicide mission, the more notable ones being Schafer’s Last Chancers. And they weren’t even Inquisition.


Where imperial guard does not have access to this arsenal ? So, no.

But i agree ennemys of this minor plague are weak to tank some weapons, now the way FS done that is to have FUN. A 40k game without thos weapons, a looooot of ppls will asked for em.
And also, now, ppls can choose their weapons, you are free to play without bolter, flamer, ps, or whatever you dislike, so :shushing_face:

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Okay, so beasts of nurgle will now one shot if you touch any of their rot, plague ogryn will snap the spine of any human character even if you block them, plasma guns now have a 1/6th chance of imploding in your hands, friendly fire has now been enabled for every character, veterans no longer have health, only a max of 5 HP and no toughness, psykers can now teleport the entire team to the end of the level, etc.

Using lore as an excuse for the balance being broken doesn’t work unless you only want it in your favor which is just being disingenuous. (And already pretty much negates the logic of balancing for lore)


I never ask for anything of that, i found the game fine as it was, and yes i defend the lore cause i bought 40k game to play a 40k game, simple as that.
Dont blame me for any tweak they done cause i think it s more thanks to guys like you we are here today.

THIS is really cool, it is real difficulty and a big add.

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