Thank you Fatshark, for not listening to tryhards and not making the game worse

Hate to break it to you dude but Fatshark is already owned by Tencent: Fatshark - Wikipedia

It is absolutely a bummer, I agree, but they are probably making more money now than they were before the purchase or they wouldn’t have agreed to it.


I wanted flamer nerfed because it’s a bad weapon already and nerfing it will gradually ween the baddies from using it.

People calling others “tryhards” don’t have valid opinion on weapon balancing.

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Yeah i know they are owned partially by Tencent. But youre wrong!
There is a Reddit about the situation.
They are broke now since the Game is f´d.
Poeple reviewed Bombed it badly. Well, performance as priority of course.
We are in the same situation as Anthem now sadly.
All the Money was put into the Game. They dont have anyting else if you havent noticed or anyone else.
If they dont get it right and People arent buying Skins or the Game, its Game Over Buddy, sooner rather than later. If it isnt already.
Seasons have been set aside for now or always who knows.
Measn no new Classes and Maps , Contentin General!
The Cost alone for this Game in terms of technicality like Graphics etc was huge. The Programming is a Pain in the ass. Coding is super complex, due to stuff like Raytracing etc.

100 Dev´S per Month cost what? like 600k a Month at least…
So they are looking for Sponsors who help them save the game!
The Game is in works for Years, Vermintide was income, tencecnt was one but they need more of course. thats Money is already gone so to speak.
So i wouldnt rely on Tencent…

The only meta slave here it’s you… Cuz you dogmatically refuse to acknowledge the necessity of nerf eventually lead to a massive meta cuz the avarge player always funleing to the least resistant path.

You cannot buff everything to an equally viable lvl or you end up wt the exatly same weapon whith 20 different skin. Case in point this chain axe buff, still inferior compared to the power sword…

Enjoy your crutch wapons much az you can cuz sooner or later IT WILL BE NERFED :3

I don’t know anything about tryhard’s community thoughts about nerfing weapons, but I think that buffing weapons to the “fun” degree is very cool, it makes the game more enjoyable because of variaty of viable weapons.
But I still think that power sword should be nerfed(so he couldn’t be able to destroy the hoard better then any of the melee classes) whilst other melees should be buffed a little, they just barely compare in the means of pure strength

Brother, its a Power Sword. Its supposed to be cutting through rotting zombies like a hot knife through butter. Thats its appeal, thats whats fun, thats what it must do.

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The game content isn’t free though, the game itself costs money.

I know what you mean though, I get what you’re saying. It seems like having a game which is funded exclusively through cosmetic microtransactions makes for a game where everyone pays what they want to play the game, so you’re more likely to be able to play the game with your friends because you don’t have to convince them to buy it, and all of that is absolutely true…

The problem though is the incentives that this creates for the game developers. It used to be that if you wanted to change the way your character looks in a game, you could unlock some achievement or save up enough in-game money to buy your cosmetics. But when game developers realized people will pay real money for that sort of thing, they started removing the ability to unlock cosmetics through regular gameplay, making less to do in the game itself and making the cosmetic less meaningful.

Obviously not all games followed this exact pattern, but it’s a good analogy for how microtransactions in a game implicitly steer the development of that game towards being less about making the game fun and more about profit. There’s a really good youtube video on this topic where the guy goes into a lot of detail about the history of microtransactions and the trade-offs that your game makes if it has microtransactions: What Went Wrong with Gaming? - YouTube

Conversely, if you really wanted to make a game that anyone could play for free but which people who really enjoyed it or who could afford to do so could pay more to support the development of the game, just put a big donate button into the game somewhere. If I ever end up making a game, it’s going to have a big parody microtransaction shop with only one purchasable which you can buy as many times as you want: “Buy the dev a beer: $1”

(btw, don’t get me wrong, I love Darktide. But when you love something, you want it to be the best version of itself that it can be, and I would love it if the devs saw that most of their money is coming from new people buying the game, or from buying actual content like new classes, rather than buying silly hats that change the game in no way)

I actually play all the weapons, thats why im glad they are buffing them. Metaslaves are people who force themselves to the few optimal weapons because they pathologically have to win and to stop that they cry to Fatshark to nerf it for them so they arent forced to use them anymore. Normal people just play other weapons.

You’re taking too much pleasure in thinking youre “taking something” from other players. i’d keep that in mind if i were you.

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I’ll try to put it as nicely as I can because hot damn you’re kind of being a massive jerk about it:

Many people enjoy the challenge of games. No, that doesn’t make them a ‘tryhard,’ no that doesn’t make them a ‘sweatlord,’ that’s just what they enjoy. This is why various difficulties exist. If you want your power fantasy, there’s plenty of ways to get that and to get the weapons to feel the way you want, it might just not be in the ideal way you want. Balance for weapons still matters both for general variety, matching playstyle preferences, etc. Once you start buffing everything you start power creep trickling in and the game will just end up an unbalanced mess in the long run where even if the weapons are all equally broken, the rest of the game is a mess to try to compensate. (Or players can just roflstomp it)

Arguing purely for lore is a road to making the game even more silly, making weapons like the combat knife or a regular axe pointless. You can’t have it both ways. Not to mention if we’re going down that road then veterans better have their health reduced to 3 and no toughness. :upside_down_face:

Insulting everybody who prefers to keep the game challenging is childish as hell. I’m glad some weapons got buffed (Lolkickback) but this topic is completely unnecessarily hostile.


Your toxic condescension to other players is a good indicator that sweats like you shouldn’t

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Nobody is taking away higher difficulties, if you think some weapons perform better than others you have the freedom to not take them and, indeed challenge yourself with weaker weapons.

No you dont. First off thats not even the actual definition of powercreep and secondly nobody asks for buffs for the strong stuff. There wont be a point where Fatshark will have to make the Power Sword/Flamer/Bolter even stronger, they only need to gradually make the weaker and overlooked (by pickrate) weapons better. The game wont suddenly get destroyed if the Revolver gets a quickloader on empty or if the Thunder Hammer gets cleave on charged attack so it doesnt get stuck instantly on trash mobs. It will simply make those weapons more pleasant to use.

You know whats actually childish? Ranting and raving for nerfs, as if the Powersword actually acting like one, completely destroys your enjoyment of a PVE game.

No its not unless you somehow take it personally. There are people here saying “I wanted flamer nerfed because it’s a bad weapon already and nerfing it will gradually ween the baddies from using it.” and " Enjoy your crutch wapons much az you can cuz sooner or later IT WILL BE NERFED :3"

I think my characterization of them as tryhards is spot on.

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Nobody is taking away lower difficulties, if you think some weapons perform worse than others you have the freedom to not take them, and indeed, faceroll lower difficulties with better weapons. For whatever reason it only seems to work one way in these discussions.

Have we seen the same sorts of discussions? And yes, if something is added or buffed to the point where it overshadows other options and we’re not nerfing things, that leads to power creep. It doesn’t exclusively occur from new things being overpowered. I’m not going to touch specific examples as that’s just going to lead into arguments over the validity of said buffs/nerfs/etc. (Like the power sword mess)

For some people somebody facerolling the game does destroy their enjoyment though? Back when Sister of the Thorn came out in VT2 I absolutely hated playing with her to the point where I stopped playing with a friend’s friend who was obsessed with her because she let him play like a brain dead idiot.

Some people fitting your preconceived notion of it and/or responding with hostility to your initial dickish comment doesn’t really make anything spot on.


Amen. :raised_hands:


Yes because this is an inane non-argument, by that logic we can slash all the weapons 200 points off, since they would still be somewhat viable in Uprising right? This isnt a point you think it is. Furthermore the Thunder Hammer is unfun weapon to play on any difficulty because its a one trick pony.

Literally noone is asking for this, can you stop beating your own strawman?
People want slight buffs to weaker stuff, nobody, literally nobody has ever said “make the Plasma stronger than the Flamer” or such.

GG you are a pro. Go try another game then? What kind of entitled behaviour is “I personally have reached an amazing skill level, thus we need to nerf things FOR EVERYONE, so my satisfaction of the game remains unchanged”

Like literally what?

Literally nothing to do with Darktide. You can keep harping on that like you’re talking about an ex you cant get over about, but this, once again isnt an argument here. If a Powersword acting like a Powersword makes you mad, a 40k game isnt for you.

Yes my preconceived notion of conceited toxic tryhards who say that weak players need “weeding out” or " haha i will take away your cruchsword so you need to learn to play" is precicely spot on.


How is it “smarter” to buff every other weapon and every enemy rather than reduce the strength of one overpowered thing?


Because its not OP and its ALWAYS better to make more weapons more fun and enjoyable to play.

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so we’re nerfing mk v antax combat axe and mg12 right? dont even need brutal momentum, axe is just godly. MG12 just best lasgun, nerf vet to the ground too. crutch class.

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So ‘overpowered things aren’t overpowered’? And you find nothing self-contradicting about that position?

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Do you think it’s OP without Brutal Momentum? Mostly that one always felt like 1H Axes from Vermintide to me, where they’re fantastic damage, especially against armored targets, but distinctly weak against hordes (though Combat Axes tend to have 1.5 cleave in this which means they can hit that second target and that’s slightly better than the V2 axes as I recall.)

(But it’s a serious question since it’s been forever since I had a good Antax roll, so I haven’t used one since my characters were just hitting 30.)

Personally I only ever thought it was BM that needed rebalancing: to be a +Cleave blessing that’s only available to low-cleave weapon types (so they can balance it separate from things like Wrath and Savage Sweeps).

Yeah its OP. Insanely good moveset, push attack, and ability to handle trash mobs + carapace or high hp, good special attack for interrupting as well. Brutal momentum is just extra on something that is already OP. You also don’t need to charge it up like dumb power sword.