Why are the devs at FatShark such fat pieces of manure

this is my first time in the warhammer series and i gotta say i am seriously disappointed with no matter what genre of video gaming i go too, FPS, MMO, Looter Shooter, Hack n Slash, etc. High chance they are out to get my wallet, i didnt think warhammer would turn rouge given how long they have been around, it doesnt take a warhammer veteran player to realize how god awfully cheap the game feels, how poor it actually functions, and how fat shark only care to push skins instead of quality fixes and changes. I dont know why majority of gaming companies are like this, i seriously hope all these corrupt companies go bankrupt and never touch a single game again, video games use to be so good even if they sucked but nowadays they are just scams and wallet drainers.

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:popcorn: :popcorn:


Im impressed you were able to type that much and only use 2 periods


nice slander, you forgot to mention how much you paid for the game, I think its been discounted a few times now… or did you play on gamepass for free? hmmmmm?


I hate when people say they get it on gamepass for free, no you didn’t you paid a subscription. That’s like saying I got a free burger from McDonalds when I bought it from them.

I think your anger is warranted. The people talking crap should look at the list of updates since December, it’s sad. If the fat shark devs would listen to the community instead of spending their time raising the prices for the cash shop the game would be awesome. But I too have lost faith in the fat shark devs.

I had a good laugh when I saw a CM in this forum saying it’s “only” been 2 months since the last update.
This is a live service game. I don’t define it as that, Fatshark did. 2 months of no updates in a live service game, not even a single communication of intent by the devs, nothing, is absurdly bad. And this isn’t the first time, they’ve gone months without even saying anything before that.

Also laughing because I think this thread got moved into performance feedback, lol


I have my issues, but I don’t think we need to resort to having our criticisms use such… Colourful language. It’s fine to vent and all and look for some empathy but I think stating the issues in an objective way, and what you would like to see change with something measurable is better.


The CM is right, though. We did have a juicy update 2 months ago and the size of this series of updates was a full DLC worth. 3 maps. A few new weapon marks.

Only thing not included was the cosmetic content which goes through the shop cycle.


The focus is on the word only. 2 months of radio silence is terrible for a live service game

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For a system they admitted that they couldn’t get out on release and was further pushed back because they had to work on the xbox port, so it only came out only almost a year later, meanwhile PC had to sit with the “it’s a totally different system, guys,” character talent system for that amount of time.

While it was a nice surprise that they finally got it out, I personally don’t treat it as some amazing content drop when they admit that they released too early and then almost immediately went silent for 2+ months afterwards.


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