thank you so much its really appreciated
Thank you, appreciated that you get on this quickly!
So thought I would give the new update a go as I primarily play Psyker and use the surge staff. I had taken note that they said in the Signal Update they have “The Nomanus Mk VI Surge Force Staff has had its VFX buffed to feel more impactful.”
Impactful? Yeah more Impactful by the fact I can’t see clearly now. Charging the lightning sure sounds stronger and looks brighter but my entire screen goes blurry so on my screen I can hardly make out shapes. Please tell me this wasn’t the intended look of the Surge Staff at full charge otherwise I might just be forced to drop Psyker because it is that unbearable.
If any Psyker’s are having this issue feel free to test or drop by because I can certainly say it didn’t do this awful blurred effect before the update.
Appreciate any response on this. And if possible please roll back the VFX change it was fine before.
Free headache after just a single game!
Thank you!
motion blur and all effects are off
One of the designers must have rewatched Return of the Jedi and came back inspired to crank it to 11. Good lord.
Yes please remove this. This hurts and is very straining for the eyes. This will cause someone to have a seizure.
I’ve never had motion sickness or anything like that, but the warping effect makes me feel nausea after a few casts, and it hurts to look at. Not figuratively, or exaggerating, at actually causes eye-wrenching pain to look at.
I like the lighting effects though.
Edit: Or, make the warping effect happen around the things that get shocked. It’s awful on the whole screen though.
Edit 2: I notice there’s a similar blurring effect on the force sword shield, but it doesn’t make me sick. I think the difference is that the surge staff’s warping makes the whole scene ripple and twist, but the force sword makes only a ghost of the scene ripple and twist.
Exactly this. Did the devs not test this? Who wants to see this awful effect when ever they use the Surge staff?
Remove the fog, remove the flashing. It is NOT fun.
Now I can’t even use my favorite staff until this is fixed.
Look can you tell your team that the problems are just with everything you added to the visual effects for psyker?
Why does the screen need to turn blue and pulse when charging? Why does the force shield need that blue tint on top of the peril tint?
You litterally put blue, on blue, ON MORE BLUE and then added LIGHTING SPARKS - its way too much!
just revert the changes! All of it! The game is pretty enough without these ‘extra’ touches.
It’s making it hard to see what is going on - why add blue effect too? Just remove it!
After one game my head started to hurt, after two it’s throbbing and I have to put the game down and take some migraine meds. This change was really bad and pretty much makes Surge unplayable.
The lighting effect is really cool even when you’re just next to a Psyker throwing lightning.
Thank you for looking into this! This change made Surge Staff completely unplayable for me. Even when in a team with another psyker with Surge staff, it was slightly painful for me. My friend who normally has zero issues with this kind of visual stuff said it was uncomfortable to look towards the targets of the other psyker on our team also.
+1 To what everyone said. The blur makes it hard to look at. The rapid flicker also feels like I’m getting flash bulbed by paparazzi. While your at it I can’t see a dag thing while holding block with the force sword under some lighting conditions, my screen is just all blue.
I do feel closer to the emperor while blind. Trusting on his protection as I flail about.
Flamer staff better anyways
Yup, you sure addded alot to this discsssion. Thanks for your input. Your a litteral godsend.
Sidenote - it’s not. Animation locking specials on t3 and higher is so much better. Your teammates should be able to handle horde clear.
Thank you!
I’m sure someone spent some time making this interesting effect, but maybe didn’t anticipate how disconcerting it is to be applied to the entire view.
Maybe a toggle for this type of effect could be added?
100% agree. I really starting to hate fatshark. Like why are you even adding these effects when there are tons of other major bugs, performance issues, lack of base content, etc.
It’s a fair suggestion, one we CMs have raised before and will raise again with this change coming in.
To be fair, VFX artists aren’t your typical bug crunchers (unless the bugs are with VFX of course), engine or tech developers or designers, so whilst you’re right that there are other fish to fry that are more meaningful to game health, the VFX artists will continue to create and work on VFX for existing things or future content updates.