Suggestion on the Ripper Guns (melee attack chains)

About each Ripper Gun pattern

To make my suggestion points better understood i will explain my view of each pattern of the three Ripper Guns.

Today all the Ripper Guns have the same move set, which is a somewhat powerful stabbing attack.
However, as we already know the different patterns of the Ripper Guns are special in different ways.

Foe-Rend Ripper Gun Mk II
This MK II Ripper Gun has about 14.55% more damage (vs all enemy types and normalised) than the two other patterns of the ripper Guns.

This Ripper Gun pattern pushes for a play-style which is essentially in the face of the enemy, where the Ogryn might as well use their melee weapon.

A more reckless, violent and “wild” play-style which fits the Ogryn perfectly.
This is because out of the three patterns the Mk II it has:

  1. The worst accuracy.
    1.1. The aiming reticle is very large and because utterly massive after a few rounds.
  2. The worst pellet count / pellet hit threshold for damage.
    2.1. I’d like to view this Ripper Gun being loaded with something like “buckshot” but Ogryn sized ones, which would explain the pellet count but the bigger damage output.
  3. The worst fire-rate.
  4. The worst damage fall off at range.

But it has:

  1. The best damage per shot which makes up for it’s much worse fire-rate.
  2. The same Ammo count as the Mk V (21 rounds max).
  3. Slightly better recoil handling than the Mk V.
  4. Looks like it’s a lot sturdier built.

Foe-Rend Ripper Gun Mk VI
The Mk VI is the best Ripper Gun for Ammo reservation due to it having a two round burst on primary attacks and three round burst on secondary attacks.

It also has on par accuracy with the Mk V.

However due to the much worse pellet count / pellet hit threshold for damage than the Mk V, the Mk VI is widely considered the worst of the Mk VI, Mk V and the Mk II.

Generally, i’d say that the Mk VI Ripper Gun pushes for a play style with more finesse and resource management (ammo).

Foe-Rend Ripper Gun Mk V
The Mk V is the best Ripper Gun for general use because it has it all.

  1. Good damage (on paper the same as the Mk VI)
  2. Best pellet count / pellet hit threshold for damage out of all the Ripper Guns, which enables it to counter snipers (big plus).
  3. Fastest fire-rate out of the three patterns of Rippers Guns avaliable, which also causes the Mk V to have the highest DPS out of all the three patterns.
  4. The same good accuracy as the Mk VI Ripper Gun, but this Mk V pattern overshadows the Mk VI on all fronts because, again, it has the best pellet count and pellet hit threshold.

Suggestion on the special action melee attack chains for each Ripper Gun.

Generally, i advocate the creation of an attack-chain for the Ripper Guns like how you (FatShark) did for the Granadier Gauntlet.

Foe-Rend Ripper Gun Mk II
Because this pattern is made to push a play-style that is more reckless, violent and aggressive.
I would suggest that the special action (melee) reflects what the Mk II excels at and what it’s made to do.

Applies for all lists: Each number in the list represents an attack in the attack chain.

  1. Strikedown
    1.1. A violent from “top-to-floor” strike where the Ogryn grips the Gun with both hands
    (Right grips the handle, left grips the barrel) so that the direction of the gun is perpendicular with the Ogryn.
    1.2. Fyi, in Dawn Of War II Ogryns are seen using this method to crush their enemies with their guns.
  2. Strikedown
    2.1. A violent over head strike that hits one heavy enemy (Mauler, Crusher, Bulwark e.t.c.), or hits all smaller targets directly in front of the Ogryn in a small area.
    2.2. Prioritizes a weakspot hit (head) and applies heavy stagger.
  3. Relentless
    3.1. A wide horizontal swing from left to right that is pretty much the same move set as the Kickback or the Rumbler special melee action.

Foe-Rend Ripper Gun Mk VI
Because this Ripper Gun is reflecting a more “thoughtful” play-style with resource management but obviously isn’t as fine tuned as the Mk V (still need to be quite close to be good).

I would suggest this following attack chain for its special melee attack action.

  1. Strikedown
    1.1. The same 'ol Stabby stabb as we have today, but with a small forwards “dash” effect like the Ogryn is eager to come in close to wreck any puny heretics he sees.
  2. Strikedown
    2.1. A powerful downards slash with the bayonet (pretty much the same special melee action as the Helbore Mk III)
  3. Vanguard
    3.1. A wide horizontal swing from left to right that is pretty much the same move set as the Kickback or the Rumbler special melee action.
    (The Ogryn is an Ogryn after all, so the Ogryns using it as a club is inevitable)

Foe-Rend Ripper Gun Mk V
Lastly, this pattern of the Ripper Gun is a mix between being completely insane and actually having at least a thought of what is best to do in any situation.

This would be my suggestion of the special melee attack action for this Ripper Gun.

  1. Strikedown
    1.1. The same 'ol Stabby stabb as we have today.
  2. Vanguard
    2.1. A wide left-to-right swing that applies stagger with decent damage.
    2.2. Would be fun if the placement of the bayonet was taken into consideration.
    So that enemies that are close gets less damage but receives more stagger (because they aren’t hit by the Bayonet) and enemies in the far end of the melee range of that attack gets less stagger much more damage (because Bayonet).

    Note that this is not really a suggestion, but a funny thing that would be interesting to see how it affected the choices of placement the player has on their character whilst using this attack.
  3. Relentless
    3.1. A wide right-to-left slightly diagonal strike that applies heavy stagger.
    3.2. The Ogryn can’t count to three and can’t remember his “Club” has a sharp pointy thingy in the front so the Ogryn smashes the enemies the the “flat” side of his firearm.


I tried making the attack chains useful and at the same time go in-line with what each one of the Ripper Guns reflect for play-style / specific use areas.

Mk II is the “get up’n close”, the Mk VI is the more “Biggest boss gets mad if i use all ammo too fast” and the Mk V is the “Ogryn is now a “Bone’ead” and Ogryn now smartest there is!”.

What do you think?

Do you think it’s maybe pack too much utility in what is already a highly viable gun?

Not saying the ideas don’t look fun, and well written (though mk 4, or is it 6?), but are a load of other guns going to get strike sequences?

Do you think it’s maybe pack too much utility in what is already a highly viable gun?

Yeah, maybe? But really not.
Because the Utility isn’t gonna be that much higher really, Ranged weapons melee damage is already very low across the board.

I mean, if we look at the Grenadier Gauntlet that is treated as a primary melee weapon although it is really a ranged weapon. We can see that it having the move set that it has, have really not done anything at all to make it more or less good or having more or less utility really.

Not saying the ideas don’t look fun, and well written (though mk 4, or is it 6?), but are a load of other guns going to get strike sequences?

Lol yeah it’s the Mk VI not IV hehe, thanks. I’m going to correct that.

And sure! why not let the Ogryn have a more interesting melee set of tools of utility and whatnot.
It’s literally a character built around being in melee combat no matter if he holds a machine gun or a nuke. He will try to come into melee range as fast as possible anyway.

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