Sub 30s need to stay out of heresy/damnation

These difficulties need to be locked for level 30. Malice is fine for leveling, but any game where a sub level 30 has joined high intensity heresy or any damnation has always been an instant loss for me.

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That has less to do with level and more to do with people not playing either as a team or not knowing their role.


That has nothing to do with their level, the only thing you need in theory is toughness replenishment. Shooters are the only real challenge in this game, and specials obviously goes in a bit of the same category. You can be level 30 and still not understand what makes a good team actually function, you need people in your team that understands when to stay back and when to push, how to clear shooters etc. You can do all that with a kantreal las gun from the start. I would say level 15 is completely acceptable for heresy.


I’ve completed heresy’s with sub 10’s. Damnation is a stretch…and I do agree some sort of gate should be in place for players to not join the hardest difficulty.

You can tell by how the player is playing, not there level. I find more frustration around penance hunters.


Heresy only at 30, no, Skill still beats Gear in this game. Damnation, maybe.

If you can’t carry heresy at lvl 30, you should stay out of heresy.

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heresy on 20, since most classes work then and they have the gear to kill some stuff, damnation on 30 cause they first need to learn how to heresy.

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I completely agree!

No one understood at the beginning that from Level 2 to 3 was a huge difference how you should play. You can’t run and gun in 3+. Making sure low level players can pop in and ruin a run will give some solace to the higher rolling players no doubt.

You can kill things fine even at level 6 on heresy. The bigger issue is needing a loadout to include anti armor options which there’s no guarantee of that early/on your team in general. Will it be slower? Yes. Would I recommend it for many people? No. Do I think it should be locked to level 20+? Definitely not. The only thing that sucks at lower levels is the locked curio slots.

I completely disagree. I think more people should be trying higher difficulties (At the bare minimum malice by around 10-15) sooner, all staying at lower difficulties does is let you form terrible, terrible habits. The early encouragement of people to not even touch malice until level 20+ was painful, and the number of people who still have zero clue what they’re doing/have already formed incredibly bad habits even at level 30 is way too high. Seeing a level 30 player complain because the game dared to send more than 2 specials at us at once is… Yeah.


Some level 30s can’t even handle a trash horde at malice by their own.


Back to the classic tide threads already.
Looks like everybody here has their tissues ready, like professionals.

We used to run two 30’s and two 10-15+ on Heresy no problem when levelling up few mates who were behind with levelling. But then this is a group of people who know how to use discord and show basic levels of teamwork.

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I completely dis agree. I think more people should be trying higher difficulties (At the bare minimum malice by around 10-15) sooner, all staying at lower difficulties does is let you form terrible, terrible habits. The early encouragement of people to not even touch malice until level 20+ was painful, and the number of people who still have zero clue what they’re doing/have already formed incredibly bad habits even at level 30 is way too high. Seeing a level 30 player complain because the game dared to send more than 2 specials at us at once is… Yeah.

Soo we should just let low levels in Damnation so the rest of us can suffer? Yea nahhhhhhh
Block them out until their 30. When they get to join Heresy they can run that all day to get the point that it wont be a cake walk, especially for Damnation… Yeah.