It is “fully functional” because you are able to play the game and complete all the missions. So far, I have over 100 hours + into the game and have been able to play each mission multiple times. There are bugs - yes but these are being patched. At this point, when I play a game, it is uncommon to running into any game breaking bug (although this was not always the case). So yes, it is “fully functional”. You are able to play the game and complete the missions.
All the stuff you guys are complaining about are very minor and you are blowing things out of proportion.
Man, there are so many kids complaining “are we there yet” on these forums
I have recommended this game to 4 of my friends and my brother. Every single one of them has loved the game - bugs, vermin, and all. This is because it is a GOOD GAME. So credit where credit is due.
As was stated, your white knight attitude is only going to hurt everyone who actually cares about the game and wants to see the company succeed.
People are turning their backs on this in droves. Q_Qing that they just don’t appreciate the beta-state bs they’re being fed doesn’t fix anything.
Expect people to provide feedback on a feedback forum. When multiple people at all levels of play and all parts of the world come here to provide feedback about the exact same things, whining about their complaints is asinine.
But yeah… Nah… Just keep being toxic to anyone who provides the dev with honest feedback or who isn’t blowing smoke up FS’ arse.
The thing that is hurting the game is all the bad reviews people are putting out over minor things such as “I cannot get any red items” and “This game is too difficult”. I find it hard to believe that anyone doing something like this is interested in what is best of the game. It is like using the logic “I want to help the game, by sabotaging the reviews of the game and getting less people to play it…”
Making recommendations on forum is one thing, but thread after thread of whining is something else entirely. It reminds me of the world of warcraft forums. For context, recently the developer said that they are not going to be adding high elves as a playable race. The Wow forums are going nuts over this. Children crying and whining because they cannot get there way. Unfortunately, these forums are starting to become the same way.
Dishonest marketing and a game being pushed out in an incomplete and buggy beta state are not minor issues. They could have just done Early Access. They should have.
Leaving a positive review solely for the sake of white knighting and fanboying is harmful, because there’s scores more sensible, normal people than there are vapid fanboys and if people get tricked into buying a bugfest, they’re not going to put up with it. You can leave a negative review while encouraging people to check back later.
Have you ever heard of such a thing, called revolution, when people try to save themselves, other people and their state by doing bad things? Why do they do this? Because otherwise horrible things are bound to happen.
Many of those “revolutions” end up destroying the very country they are trying to revolutionize. Look at the middle east. Many of those countries have rebellions and “revolutions” every decade or so. As a result, they have been struggling to catch up with the rest of the world on a technology level since they are having to constantly rebuild after each “revolution”. Also, quite frankly, even after the “revolutions”, many of these countries are still in trouble with corruption and dictators.
It’s a hyperbolic analogy. FS really doesn’t have to do much to calm down the people who are becoming irate. The fact they haven’t done that for most things is a big part of why people, who were originally mega chill about it, are becoming irate.
I think we just see the world differently. I understand that people are imperfect and make mistakes and I accept this in people. I am grateful for everything I have and treasure it. Some people do not see things this way and believe the world owes them a favor simply for existing.
You bought something that wasn’t what they advertised. This isn’t “la dee da my cup is half full.” They are a company. They sold a product in a sub-standard state. They sold a product that was inferior to that which was advertised and even to its predecessor in most categories. They have continued to make decisions that are driving people away. Further, we’re all unpaid testers right now.
I’ve said my piece on this. You disagree and that is fine. Everyone has their opinions. You do not have to believe me. You also don’t have to look in the mirror. No one is forcing you to do anything. So, I guess we will have to just agree to disagree on this because I do not see anything changing.
You’re such a hypocrite. So it’s fine for you to be a douche to people who have valid concerns about the game but if people call you on your bs, it’s suddenly, “ho hum everybody’s entitled to their opinion let’s just not talk about it anymore.” Gtfo.
The holier than thou defense probably would have worked better before your condescension and name-calling, insinuating anyone with a brain to observe obvious issues is just a petulant child.
Also, stop trying to use arguments that work just as easily against yourself. That’s, again, extremely hypocritical.
No one has a problem with your “beliefs.” You’re allowed to like the game. You may have noticed but no one on the forums is calling people who like the game children for not being more upset about certain things. They’re not trying to shove their concerns down the throats of other users, they’re presenting them to the devs via their official feedback forum. What people have a problem with, in this discussion, is you trying to force your perspective on others and suggesting that anyone who doesn’t see things the way you do is inferior. It’s pathetic, transparent, and further hypocritical.
You literally necrobumbed this topic exclusively to shitpost.