Special Condition suggestion

It could be nice to have new special conditions that change really the way we play… And we could have some “fun” oriented condition rather than “diffucult” oriented ! Here some suggestion :

  • Action strike team : Unlimited ammo, constant massives hordes, less élites/ogryns

  • Deal with it : Start mission with random weapons, some weapons crates where you can change loadout for another random one

  • Go fast (for those who love speedrun) : Few ennemies at the begining of the mission but the longer the mission lasts, the more enemies there are ! Start at malice difficultie and after 40 minutes u should be at havoc 30-40 level of challenge…

  • Chaos infestation : massive Nuglings hordes (plz Fatshark), endless waves of slower and tankier poxwalker, more monstruosities (multiple spawn simultaneously)

What do you think of that ? Any other ideas ?