Something I'd like to see implemented in the future

The prevalence of “pot holes” in this game is ridiculous. There are so many little areas to get your character just stuck in and the only way to get out is to jump straight up and out of it. Idk why there are so many of these little holes to get stuck in but pretty much every map has these little holes to get stuck in all around them and when you’re fighting it’s nearly impossible to get out of these holes without taking a ton of chip damage or even getting downed. I’d like to see in future games a more streamlined map design with less areas of geometry to get your character caught on. Currently there are just too many right angles in the geometry and too many holes where your character just randomly gets grabbed by the geometry and won’t like go unless you retrace your steps to getting caught on that piece of geometry. This can be as simple as getting suck on a log that’s sticking out just a little too far and thus it blocks your entire character from moving unless you back out of it. Normally this isn’t an issue but in combat when you’re trying to strafe and dodge around getting grabbed by one of these little pieces of geometry can honestly be the death of you because it completely breaks the flow of combat for no other reason than one developer though it looked nice to have that piece of rubble there.

TL;DR please put more thought into streamlining your map geometry so that the flow of combat isn’t broken by random pixels of rubble and rocks

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