[Map Design] Safety railings and lack of thereof

I assume this was intentional, but frankly this “mechanic” adds nothing to the gameplay but unnecessary frustrations. It leads to inconsistent gameplay experience as there are places you just slide off the map all together.

I have 2k hours in the game, I don’t remember all places on maps I’m at risk of falling. I’m sorry Fatshark but I dont have GPS in my brain, or every square meter of a level mapped in my brain.

I had multiple cases where I ended up hanging of an edge myself when charging towards an area with actual railings or dodging.

There are places where a random poxy can add the ice skating effect to player movement, and push them off during slide or dodge.

Hidden areas like this become a total PITA on lights out maps. Do not like.


Oh those spots are super annoying. There always going to be disconnected rails where you can fall. And I agree it adds seriously nothing good to the game. Additionally there are spots on some stairs where it blocks you from dodging back. Those are very annoying too.


More maps need a clean up pass to remove stuff which blocks your movement and dodges. Stuff like small rubbish on the floor, weird terrain, train tracks etc. It all “looks” good, but breaks the gameplay which is about movement and dodging.


Silly you, didn’t learn all the maps in 2k hours.

It does happen to me too though. But i have like half the hours, so you got no excuse! :smiley:


Yea the little cubby holes spots are bad design. It tells me the people who make these map sections do not play test or care. Add it to FS Jank! it’s all a joke now!

somehow i got hadron in my ear: labor is the cheapest of ressources, new workers will be assigned and perish in turn :rofl:

so i guess the railings are the same luxury like star wars mile high buildings were you wonder “where are all the pedestrians?”

oh they are all rotting 3 km down at ground lvl having gone the way of the lemming.

seeiously though whats off putting is stuff on the floor that, though looking perfectly flat or connected to each other, keeps you glued in place for colliding with god knows what.

not only does it stop you dead in your tracks, you’re slow as hell recovering from the non-impact and a sitting duck for every encounter you’re in.

stuff like that is prone to ruin an otherwise perfect run.

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that’s from a game some time ago. it ended hilariously in front of the first building in chasm terminus, right after the starting bridge.
that ledge was a trap… we said “no problem, get that first guy hanging there” and suddenly we were all hanging.
and the emperor’s finest can’t do one pullup.


The true test of a team

There are some edges that don’t have ledge detection, especially in the new map.

But sometimes they do add railings, they added railings to the flatbed just before ‘Shotgunner’s corner’ in Ascension Riser.

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Yeah the heretics have been on a serious safety regiment adding tons of railings where there were none before. Many spots to ledge bosses and barrel teammates gone forever, sad!

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Let’s not pretend areas with long stretches of narrow pathing, paired with dozens of exploding barrels and pipes, with all adjacent edges having 0 railing, isn’t absolutely intentional.


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