So after 1400 hours this is goodbye

Issue Type (Required):

Player Mechanics

Issue Description (Required):

Dodging is the main focus of Darktide’s melee combat.
You can only dodge in directions you aren’t currently looking.
So why FOR THE LOVE OF THE EMPEROR does it throw me off ledges that I CANT POSSIBLY SEE. Dodging didnt work this way in Vermintide 2 so why did this change?
Is Darktide supposed to be a soulslike? Is a misinput so grave a sin that a player should be removed from the game for 3 to 15 minutes? Because that is how it goes in real play once you are on a ledge you get focused down by everything in the immediate vacinity like you said horrible things about all of their mothers. My brother in the emperors golden light. I didnt sprint off the ledge, I didnt even hit the jump key,(i rebound that 1200 hours ago) I was just trying to dodge a 9 Crusher patrol your AI director deficated on top of me to keep me going slow as molasses because HOW DARE I play the game I paid for as quickly as possible because thats how I relax. I literally just want the dodge key to not cuck me out of the game. Thats it. I’m disabled I cant feel my left arm I dont have the reaction speed for these cheap gimmicks anymore and honestly I’m done with your game. You collectively decided to keep players from standing still, not by interesting gameplay or tactical advantages to movement but by letting the AI director spawn/reposition/teleport one singular trash tier enemy (poxxer or groaner occaisionally something slightly bigger) behind me just to steal a third to half my toughness, stun me, and interupt anything I might be trying to do ALL WITH ONE BABY SLAP simply because I had the audacity to stand still. If that doesnt explain how annoyingly cheap it feels to play your game I dont know what will.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

  1. Find a game you really like.
  2. Buy it for 3 of your friends.
  3. The base mechanics are a direct rip from their last game but just a bit worse.
  4. Put in 1400 hours hoping it gets better.
  5. Huge class overhaul that doesnt even touch the base mechanical issues.
  6. The devs redo about a third of their class overhaul that I had to wait 11months for.
  7. The base mechanics remain unpolished and clunky to work around.
  8. Leave because loving a game isnt healthy if the devs are too busy to actually fix basic issues that lead to new players bouncing off of the game.
  9. Be happy playing anything else that respects your time.

You are leaving because you dodge off ledges?

Map awareness and knowledge of layout is something you should’ve learned after 1400 hours I feel…


Why is this an acknowledged bug? @FatsharkStrawHat could you explain what the Acknowledged tag signifies?


There’s something really funny and passive-aggressive about the “Acknowledged” tag next to the title lmao.


Goodbye VeteranChungus.

We will miss you.

Solution to any issue ever: “git gud”.

There’s so much chaos in this game you cannot be expected to always know every single terrain detail around you. So the penalty for small mistakes like this one shouldn’t be total - because that’s what it is, dropping off a ledge is an instant death in an intense situation. For example, if you run into wrong direction and get cornered you’re not out of the game just yet, you might still save the situation by eg. using your blitz, combat ability or just playing it well. Might not come 9out unscathed, but that’s the intention - you’re allowed a certain amount of mistakes, that’s why you have your health.
And then there’s ledges all over the place that you can be dropped from, either by a bad dodge, barrel or just an enemy (eg. Reaper or Plague Ogryn) that is an instant game over for what is a minor mistake. Ledges in this game are both omnipresent and poorly communicated. Case and point - Smelter Complex finale. Sure, most of the ledges there are either communicated well (the middle pit) or blocked with railings, so what’s the problem?
Well, the fact that on some corners there are no railings and you won’t really have the time to pay attention to that when being chased by a horde - you just have to put in enough hours to memorize all of them, for every map and every location. And even then, mistakes happen.


its good to know ‘bugs’ like this are prioritized over animation bugs like the sapper Mk3 shovel doing the wrong animation for its push attack to other players or inspecting from special loop being broken or actual important gameplay experience

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Cool :+1:t2:


But this is a clear cut “git gud” moment?

Yes there’s chaos, yes we make mistakes. Take the L like a big boy and learn from it?

Seriously how often do you find yourself near ledges? How often do you dodge off them? I may have done this a handfull of times and I always take the blame and the L if that’s where it leads. If this is something he regularly experiences the problem is awareness and location - not FatShark.

The guys has 1400 hrs. in the game - he CLEARLY loves it. Now, because HE makes a mistake he’s here blaming FatShark?

Gen Z problems man…


I’m honestly kinda confused.

Yeah, ledges are a little annoyingly inconsistent in terms of which ones will kill you versus stranding you.

You don’t even need to ‘memorize’ them though. Just…avoid ledges? Maybe if you’re playing some hyper-mobile dodge tank this is a problem but it isn’t for a scrub like me.


Yes yes, all it takes to avoid the issue entirely is to put hundreds of hours into the game and poof, it’s gone! And that applies to every issue - if your game crashes constantly, all you have todo is to be so good that you finish the mission before the game crashes.

And how dare he blame the Fatshark, given it’s their map designers doing poor job in some areas with how poorly the ledges are positioned and/or marked, the nerve of some people! It’s not like having one less frustrating issue in the game is a good thing; after all if a human can theoretically adjust to avoid said issue at great expense to his time (hundreds of hours to learn map layout for each map) and enjoyment from the game then this is always the correct course of action, always, period. It’s not the entertainment product that has to adjust itself to fit the needs of it’s players, it’s the players who have to adjust so that Fatshark can save money on developers’ time and make another broken mess of a game instead.

And in the meantime: “acknowledged”. Since it appears that even Fatshark understands that “git gud” is not a solution to some of the more frustrating problems.

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You have 1400 hours and are still falling off of ledges? You can just admit you made a mistake and try to improve. There are definitely things that could be improved in the maps, but not everything is the game’s fault. It’s not pressing the buttons for you, my brother in the Man-Emperor, you dodged off the ledges. There literally aren’t even that many ledges across the maps that are very dangerous, and you have to have a certain lack of awareness for this to be a genuine problem for you.

I can think of like two spots that have some weirdness, one on the Smelter Complex map’s final area (some ledges around the Corruptor to the right of the exit doors that don’t have railings) and one on the Power Matrix Repair map (near the beginning, by the small stairs/doorway near where monstrosities can first emerge). It’s easy to accidentally backstep off the ledges when you’re trying to kill the corruptor I mentioned, and same with the ledge on the repair map, as you might reflexively backstep if a monster decides to spawn, and accidentally fall off. Besides these two spots, most of the other death pits are pretty obvious, and more easily avoided.

Honestly man, perhaps you’d be better off taking a little break, and trying to focus on staying away from ledges in your games next time you play? I think you’ll see how much of a non-issue it is if you take a breather for a bit, and come back with fresh eyes :slight_smile:


FatShark please let this man see!!!

He needs to see where he is dodging!!!

Let him seeeeeeee!!!


Didn’t it? I know for a fact it did in V1.

I tested in on the tomb level with the giant drops. I dodged off a ledge to see if it was a real danger, and had to have a buddy haul me back up.

I like all of the negative feedback. 1400 hours in and the response is git gud or calm down, lovely.

The dodge that made him fall off the edge was the straw that broke the camels back, the final mechanic that was inferior to vt2 that made him say enough. He didn’t see it coming and had no idea that a dodge would fuel this epic rant. One of the funniest posts I’ve ever read.

You can’t fault the guy for being disappointed at all of the steps back, I mean, it’s literally 95% of the forum? Game has tons of regressive and depreciated mechanics.


You are moving the goal posts here.

His is a learn to play issue. You want to make it about technical stuff on FatSharks end now. That’s a different discussion.

Stop being a victim, learn to play better.

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Ok, sooo…

If I were a Dark Heresy Character, I would have low Perception and no Advancements in the Awareness Skill: so, when I was still playing Darktide, I was always the clumsy one who stumbled and accidentally fell off cliffs :upside_down_face:

I agree with you that in some maps there are a few basterd holes, the kind you don’t notice during a heated battle; for example, in the map where you have to defend the bridge while the elevator arrives (I don’t remember its name). But I have always attributed my falls to my lack of situational awareness. It makes sense that the terrain of the maps is rugged and full of obstacles, traps, etc. After all, in the grim darkness of the 41st Millennium there are no safety regulations!

The only, and I mean only, case where I honestly got pissed off was when I flew off a cliff simply because I touched a railing. Again, I don’t remember which map it happened on, but it was an obvious bug: all you had to do was touch the railing to fly out (so what’s the point of the railing?). But that, I repeat, was the only case, and it only happened to me once.

Honestly, among the dozens of problems plaguing Darktide, many of which are serious enough to justify abandoning the game (as happened to me), this one about the dodges that throw you off the cliff seems to me to be the most negligible; in fact, I wouldn’t even call it a problem.

It’s not negative to tell someone their problem might be their own doing. That’s is the preface to “maybe work on your awareness” answer.

I see that as being a great response vs the alternative (and what he is advocating for)…to not have us fall of the edge if we go into it. I think falling off an edge, regardless of the reason…is a reasonable thing to have in a video game

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1400 h is more than most 70$ “aaa games”.

And yeah, you will return.

I guess I could restate my point: people don’t get this angry over dodging and falling off of a ledge. Maybe he was trying to clutch, maybe he was with the group of friends he mentioned and is supposed to be the carry, I don’t know. Pretty sure they laughed, I mean, it’s funny.

I would bet that the sensation he felt was profound disappointment that he sold his friends on playing this game without realizing it would be so many steps back. He probably didn’t even realize that dodging didn’t step you off of a drop in VT until he stepped off of one in DT.

It’s not about the ledge and the dodge. The amount of comments about the dodge and the mechanic itself are completely missing the point. It’s not about the fact in and of itself, it’s the spirit of what he is saying.