So when can we expect weapon attachments like THIS?

It doesn’t make sense why the Ogryn has no way of effectively fighting in a lights out conditioned map. I really hope this system comes soon.


Probably next year or later. They changed their plans for the game so much before release that there may be a few projects on hold, like the skill tree that will be implemented in patch 13, that they can’t even find through data mining.


Even limiting attachments to sights and under-barrels (bayonet, axe blade, torch, combi-weapons) would probably be enough to cover most use-cases.

While it would be nice to have the full customisation where there’s the base weapon type (like the Kantrael-pattern lasgun) and you can change the parts so it’s either slow and powerful, bursts with lower damage, full-auto or any combination of the above, that probably would require a complete overhaul of the item generation system and probably should be at a lower priority for the time being.


Being able to change bayonet and flashlight and sights as attachments that you can earn in game and attach to any skin would totally make a lot of sense, and Fatshark could even sell premium sight and bayonet and flashlight cosmetics, like a special gold arch holosight or w/e. Would probably sell like trinkets do.

The Barrel, receiver, magazine, and handle are a different issue though because fatshark is selling these as preset skins.

I guess if we were to get full customisation with barrel, receiver, magazine, and handle then each part would have to have its colour permanently locked.

That would mean if you bought a ripper with a blue camo pattern at the mtx store you would in effect be buying a Barrel, receiver, magazine, and handle model in blue camo pattern, and could switch out your existing weapons model parts to owned model parts with that blue camo pattern.

That could work maybe? Not sure if fatshark would go for it though as it might be more profitable to sell the barrel, receiver, magazine, and handle as preset configs only.

Then again, if they sold a barrel with gold imperium eagles just on its own, people might be willing shell out for just that at a premium price like they do with trinkets now.

edit: thinking about it, if this is the eventual plan, then it might explain why currently all of the skins use a different model than the base model of the guns.

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I think they’ll eventually revamp crafting too. I guess the question is ‘when?’. Man, it really shows you how bad of a deal us “Beta” players got from participating in that travesty of a “Beta”.


What is this video from??


that was my first thought too, I’m guessing it’s a mod

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FS put to shame by modders yet again.


Actually FS also helps modders and support their work…

Lopus and Catfish are on the discord for DT modders…
When the mod “For the emperor” has been released, I remember reading (from Lopus if I remember well) that the sentences used by the mod were introduced in the game with the idea to do something like what was proposed by the mod…


We did get precisely these attachments, obviously.

Instead of a single base with interchangeable parts, we got these same parts already arranged in (usually) three variants.

This has been discussed several times - they scrapped that original idea (the “This is not CoD” debacle) in favor of preset weapon variants. The fact that you can’t tinker with your gun is very disappointing and we can go into a great conversation about whether it was a deliberate choice or a production restriction - a more sinister insinuation would suggest that it’s outright artificial bloat. A more moderate take would suppose that it was just easier to have the guns already preset.

Whatever the cause was, and whatever the intentions were, the fact is - getting guns with arbitrary % values you can’t change is one of the core issues of the itemization, progression and crafting of the game.
This is not even about #breakthelocks. This singular approach to the gear is… just silly.


Well we have the skill tree as an example now. They were working on the skill tre before release but it wasn’t ready in time so they had to go with a stripped down simplified version. Maybe its the same with a lot of other things in the game like attachments, weapon crafting, and map chunk generation/randomised pathing.

They were actively talking about attachments in interviews only 6 months before release, so it seems very possible that they wanted to do it in some capacity but couldn’t do it in time.


Don’t dream… they have not reworked this system 2 times and tweaked it if they had something totally different in mind.

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Do you think that fatshark thought that rerolling perks by clicking a menu button ad nauseum was good game design that they dreamed up as the ‘perfect system’ like the skill tree? Because I super don’t, and I was proven correct when they changed it to let you pick from a list.

That just screams cobbled together system imo. I can very much see them making an overhaul, possibly in line with their original vision. It wouldn’t even need to be as extensive as the skill tree, adding spendable crafting materials to spend on modifying the weapons is an easy and straight forward design solution that like the skill tree would be pro-player and pro-player build experimentation.


Where did I write this? quote me please…
I even asked that they change this…
But you compare a change on the interface with a change in the gaming mechanics…

I would want that I am wrong and that they secretly planned to introduce a system without RNG… but I believe that they plan to introduce some sort of red weapons, however, I certainly don’t believe that they will, again and a third time, rework the crafting system.
And, tbh, there are things really more important actually…
Finding a good base weapon is one big problem of crafting… we need contracts rework, more maps / missions, balance fixes, more weapons.

But, don’t get me wrong… if they introduced a system with weapons parts and where you can freely build your weapon and decide how you distribute modifiers points, how many perks you want and what, how many blessing you want and what… well I would be happy cause it is exactly what I would want.
This is just that I don’t believe it will happen…

However, an addition of weapon attachements, like as an option, is something possible… I believe that this could happen (but not a total rework, that I don’t believe in it).
Example: the possibility to change bayonnet to precision sight on the Helbore…

Why? They are demonstrably addressing playerbase pain points one by one, and the crafting system being player unfriendly is at the top of that list. Them doing progressive tweaks to the crafting system does not mean they will not continue to change it to the point that it is pro-player.

It’s very believable that they are working on something in the background as they were with the skill tree that will properly address the crafting pain point, which as I said wouldn’t even need to be as extensive a rework as the skill tree.

The crafting material solution for example could hook in with red weapons whenever they arrive.


I have since become exceedingly cynical and much more cautious of FS.
I wouldn’t put any faith in such a way of thinking, nice as it may be to fantasize or consider what could’ve been.


Another cynical view is that we got a shadow Early Access game and were straight up lied to about it. By that cynical metric there will still come a point where the game is no longer in Early Access. If you look at what has been done so far, and how the skill tree was in development before release, then that is believably the situation from a cynics point of view.

I enjoy mind gaming this stuff out, and that is the impression I am getting.


I will be honest…
considering the complaints here by several players that hurt so much the game, if they had the intention to change this, they would have done it by now.
And considering the fact that, two times, they have bring changes to crafting :

  • the first time, they changed what they planned for the game
  • the second, they adjusted things to make the crafting system more friendly

Well, I really think that they won’t spend 2 years on crafting…

Totally… but not rewriting the entire system…
Surely red weapons (that are surely an idea on a piece of paper)… surely new archetype… surely new maps… etc.
But I cannot believe that they plan to rework crafting system 3, 4, 5 … times… until the loud part of the community stop to try to bury this game with negative comments. Even if they would bring exactly what they want, they would criticize an other part of the game…

Sidenote: yes I have lost faith in a part of the community… but not all…

Do you have any idea how painful the 7 months it took for them to overhaul the mission board was for T5 players? It was one of the larger causes of people leaving the game because T5 only had 3 slots which half the time would be filled up with modifiers that were well below T5 skill level and were mind numbingly boring. 3 slots, 2 of the slots as low intensity, F*CK it’s pissing me off just remembering it xD

Point is, Fatshark can certainly leave us to languish with a disagreeable system in the short term while they work on a final solution in the background.

Why wouldnt they work on the feedback they receive from the entire breadth of the playerbase that this is player unfriendly? Not changing it because other issues will get attention afterwards isn’t an answer, because 1. that’s generally how feedback works, and 2. We know that it will be received well because the mission board went down well and cut the amount of community complaints effectively in half.

p.s The crafting material idea is not a rewrite of the entire system, it hooks into the existing system, and can be layered on top with red weapons potentially.

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And I believe Auric missions were already planned.

this can be true… I won’t argue to argue…
As I said, I can be wrong, and I have to say I would hope that I am wrong and that they plan to add to the game a better system.

Cause lot of feedbacks are totally useless…
People that repeat every days break the locks for 8 months now, have not provided any other solution.
They listen to the feedback. Lot of times they introduced things suggested by players, and these players did not spend 8 months to get it implemented.
So, if you just want to point the “removal locks” complaint… then I am sure we won’t see that (even with material, an idea 6 months old).
However, it doesn’t mean they won’t ameliorate the crafting system (red weapons that will surely come).

Tbh, what you say can have a sense cause they capped modifiers at 80%. removing the cap would mean that player would have to rework for new weapons. So, they could introduce a totally new system without breaking the balance in the game if they combine this with removing the 80% cap.
My dream would that we could assemble weapons with weapon parts and have a choice to put attachments.

I think that attachment have a good chance to come sooner or later… especially when we consider what moders have found. But we have to be patient here.
They could introduce a new system, but considering how they love the RNG, I don’t expect them to remove RNG of their game (sadly) and I have doubts that they will do that.
But, attachments and red weapons… I believe they could come.

However, any proposition of a game system that has for purpose to get easily the weapons you want… I would not bet on it.

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