Weapon Crafting: a complete overhaul needed?

This will probably be controversial but I’d still like to throw it out there.

Honestly I’m wondering if the current crafting system is worth saving. There’s too much wrong with it, the RNG is through the roof, it’s hard to even get the weapon you want (yes I know small fixes are coming). But for me the biggest problem is that you just can’t personalize your weapon to suit your style. For example, there’s no way to make a proper sniper build because the one rifle that comes closest to this role still has iron sights…

There’s also the issue that I felt like this game promised us we could make our own unique characters, but neither the character cosmetics nor the weapon crafting supports this enough imo. Sure, maybe the game can focus instead on a great variety of maps and gameplay with the weapons staying rather basic presets with a few options, but that’s not the case either.

The current crafting system made a lot of sense in Vermintide. You can’t really do that much to a bow, spear, axe… anyway. So I agree, a variety of weapon types, plenty of skins and some traits and perks you can apply to them, perfect! But for a modern day shooter that focusses on personalization this feels too basic, especially when games like Battlefield 3 had better systems over 10 years ago…

So here’s my idea: overhaul the crafting system completely. Just get rid of it. I’m not motivated at all to use the current system anyway. Either make it more simple, possibly even make it so that you can find weapon shrines in the map themselves so you can switch around (like in Space Marine). Just throwing spaghetti at the wall here.
Or… Go full customizable like in Fallout 4. I made an image to show one possibility of how you could split weapons up (excuse any crude terminology, it’s just a quick example):

This would allow for A LOT of options. Different scopes, barrels, a bayonet and/or flashlight, no stock or rifle stock, full auto rifles or single shot “bolt action” ones,… You know the drill.

Mechanical parts: you could get these from disassembling weapons gained from endgame loot or bought from the store. Obtaining one could possibly also unlock a crafting template so you don’t need to find it again, though you would still have to pay parts to make a new one for a different gun.
Different variants of certain parts will all have their own stat modifiers, so you know exactly what you’re improving or sacrificing when making your build, no more RNG…

Favours of the Omnissiah: these would be the perks and blessings, which you can’t get from loot but through mission objectives, weekly targets, story progression, penances,…

Some issues I see are not all ranged weapons having as many options avaible, like flamers etc. But I think we can work around this by also including different ammo/fuel types etc. Or some weapons simply have more options than others and that’s it.
Another issue is close combat weapons: they would again have far less options. I think this can be compensated by letting ranged weapons only have 1 perk plus 1 blessing and close combat weapons having 2 of each available (feels more thematic too imo).

Ofcourse this would need a lot more brainstorming. I’m also fully aware that the chances of such a big overhaul happening are next to zero, considering how integrated the current system and cosmetics are. Maybe for Darktide 2 then.

So what do you think? Let the roasting begin! :smiley:


I would love such system…
but it won’t happen…


No roasting required - just shattered dreams.

Yes I’d love a fallout/codMW/Tarkov type full weapon workshop customization, but I’d also love 8 more classes, 15 new maps, 30+ new enemies throughout the entire realm of chaos, bigger scale mission types, better reward system, more talents & perks.

I also would like the game to be more optimized, have a more fulfilling story, branching narrative paths, maybe even dialogue options. Explore the entire galaxy of 40k. Engage in interplanetary, hell even interstellar multi-level events. Catachans, agents from the assassinorium, death korps, sisters of Battle, and dare I even say Space Marines?! Frick it, let’s go interspecies. I wanna play Eldar, and fight a Necron tomb in the middle of a tyranid invasion, all with the core gameplay of darktide.

All the exaggeration aside, I think your idea would be great, but it’s wayyyy too ambitious for this type of game.


You can tell that they didnt originally have this particular crafting system in mind, given stuff they’d talked about prior to launch and the dirty deletes they’ve been pulling.

Frankly I think they should tear it all out. Literally they should rip out the entirety of their crafting system or at least unlock perks and blessings. It shows that the biggest additions they made to VT2 are Weaves and the Chaos Wastes, both of which are successful because they specifically ignore VT2’s own crafting systems.

The best parts of Fatshark’s prior game are the parts that wholly ignore the progression system Fatshark has relied upon for over a decade.

They should just excise it. The whole thing.

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i honestly think they don’t want a system that is too complex (but hope remains, that they atleast go with a more modular system).
and to top it off they already lost lots of players, i think its unlikely they will take any risky actions.

a sight and accessory slot is desperately needed i think everyone agrees,
but the question how much further customization,
sight accessory and frame as a simple system already would go a long way, but i personally wouldn’t mind a much more complex system you describe with several interchangeable weapon parts.

of course they should overhaul sooner than later, as the potential “loss” of gear for players will only increase over time.

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That sentence made me sad on the inside.


I think that:

  • they want something that can push people to continue to play to get better gear (RNG choice… mistake in my opinion, but their choice)
  • they had surely planned nice features (like weapons customization) but the reality has caught them and so they had to finish the game… and then, exit the exciting system…
  • as they need to port the game to the xbox… unfortunately, I don’t think this can change now.

It’s immeasurably complex, so no. I think it would be cool, and I would say why not. I think you would be more likely to get something like DRG (weapon frame skins) where aside from just skins you would get different textures and meshes going over/replacing your weapons, but I doubt they would make anything modular. I think the helbore lasgun should just have a proper scope. Maybe the frames could give you an alternative scope. The other option would be since they already have weapon variances (different marks and such) they could have different families for guns that have flashlights or different scopes and just call it a different gun. That is more likely.

But I think with adding a lot more weapons and weapon choices it makes having reasonable RNG/crafting mechanics all the more necessary that respect players time.

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A week or two ago I would have thought what a great idea and added some of my own thoughts theory crafted some possibilities and all that


You could have a short range fan shaped blast or a longer ranged narrow cone for the flamer.

But feels like a waste of time trying to talk to fat shark through their forum now. They are either not listening or not interested in what we have to say.


Dramatic but ok :smiley:


Its not just me apparently that feels this way. :smiley:

+1 for trying though


While I’d love a more in-depth customization, I don’t think it would be feasible or realistic at this state IMO.

That being said, I’d also settle for just very general 3 modifications at least.

  • The underbarrel (bayonet, flashlight etc.)
  • The sights (ironsights, scopes etc.)
  • Magazine size (larger mag would lower your mobility stat as a drawback etc.)

That way, you could modify all the lasgun or autogun patterns just fine, tailor your gunplay experience a bit more (ironsights vs long range scopes, flashlight vs panic bayonet swipe etc.) and without messing up the various premium skins (which I was told was the reason they scrapped customization? someone correct me if I am wrong)


I might not split it up so excessively with the “mechanical parts”. Perks and Blessings could actually be completely tied to them (i.e. the stats that were previously available as Perk/Blessing could then simply be attached via weapon enhancements). I would reduce it as follows:

  • Accessory: affects special attack (flashlight, bayonet, grenade launcher, etc).
  • Magazine: different ammunition (fire, armor penetration, dumdum, etc. or reload speed)
  • Scope: could also have effects like highlighting hidden enemies, markers for bonus damage from all sources or something like that, in addition to the zoom of course)
  • Corpus: would basically be what the different Marks are now and could also hold perks that affect the basic handling.

I think even for weapons like the flamethrower or the machine gun of the Ogryn you could find options, e.g. via this backpack slot which all chars have, but which is not used at all… except by the enemy, and that’s as an ammunition bag. This could be converted into a fuel tank for the flamethrower. Also for melee weapons such systems are nothing new, God of War could do it, For Honor had it as well… different blades/chains, handles or pendants with different blessings, the possibilities are plenty. And for ranged weapons with melee light attacks you could add attachements to affect these instead. Spikes, blades, rivets, or the like, which could then cause armor penetration, cleave, or stun damage. I dunno if you take more then 5 mins brain storming you could possibly come up with way more options :sweat_smile: .

We already had the hope after extensive criticism of V2s crafting… and here we are in a much worse situation. The question is, can FatShark get the game back on track without these fundamental changes? I for one can easily live without the current system and will continue to do so if no serious changes follow, especially regarding the RNG factor.

Yup just letting us switch sights between:

  • Iron Sights

  • The Kantrael Reflex Sight

  • 4x acog that currently doesn’t exist

And letting us switch attachments between:

  • Helbore’s Bayonet

  • Kantrael Flashlight

  • Braced Autogun’s quick shove or Bolter’s stamina consuming shove (depending on weight)

Would be ideal. Sadly I’m sure it won’t happen.

At this point I am just hard against anything that would further delay the release of blessing crafting. Having any control at all over blessings is very highly required ASAP to make the gearing process in this game less atrocious.

This concept is Immesurably complex and will take alot of time to implement. I have better solution, just too lazy to post it.

Some very good points in the comments. I would totally settle for each weapon just having different marks like they do now, but maybe with the differences being bigger between marks, and each mark having just a rail for scopes and flashlights/bayonets. That would actually be a realistic change inside this game.

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