Sounds like you’ve got some impressive skills, can’t wait to see your cata or cata+ (I don’t know what you’d refer to deathwish as these days) TS series soon!
Yeah, like with every single enemy in this game: The context is what determines how dangerous they actually are. Alone in most places of every map, none of them are a problem. Combinations at unfortunate locations can make any of them deadly though.
Lol ive been playing this game 3 months and ive already mastered legend, got all red weapons for kruber, and just made my jump to cata an im weekend casual player. compared to the other games ive played, this game is child’s play.
how long did it take you to move up? you want to be a jerk, thats fine but the fact of the matter is that this game is ridiculously easy and im completely blind in my left eye and legally blind in my right eye. whats your excuse?
ive only been gaming since 2012 and only reason why i stayed away from it most of my life was because i didnt know i could with my vision problems that i was born with. considering how you guys treat people’s honest opinions, i now understand why people leave this game in droves. its not the devs fault but the community’s fault.
i never told anyone “git gud” but i just dont understand how some of you fine intelligent gentleman cant seem to fight one hit donuts. idk how much longer ill be playing this game as there is no real end game and the one thing in this game i want, i cant get which are deeds. game feels good but once you accomplish everything, what is left? i guess ill find out when season 2 hits since i missed the first season.
i will admit to one major downfall i have and that is i cant aim for because of my vision problems but dang do i get excited when i end up landing a lucky shot on a speedy gonzalez assassin my friend convinced me to buy this game and he has absolutely stellar aim so he gets almost all the specials for me. archers on the other hand dont move except when you get in melee range or you ignore them too long and move closer. im able to take then out because stationary enemies are easy to shoot. ive never played a game where enemies can be one shotted on the highest difficultly which is why i dislike the archers. i can one shot them on cata with my handgun. to me, they pose no threat. thats my honest opinion. im more afraid of the armored beastman and the minotaur.
You just don’t get it do you? Bragging about being able to kill 6 archers without taking a hit on Legend means nothing. It’s the same as bragging about killing 6 slave rats without taking a hit. Ungor archers are STANDARD infantry units, not specials or elites, and they spawn in clumps of 2-5 all around the map. A lot of the times they’re pretty harmless, but in places like CoD when you jump down into the hole with the big wide area and your movement speed is reduced, or Athel, or Against the Grain, they become standard enemies that net 10x more value against you than any marauder or slave rat.
And then in higher difficulties like C3O or even just standard C3, the amount of archers placed everywhere can be completely insane. You could have 20 archers shooting at you at once, during a massive horde, meaning you can’t focus them, in a place where you may potentially have little cover, and if you get hit once, you’ll get staggered, your block broken, and you’re very likely to get combo shot like at least 6 times, taking half your health cause you got shot once. They’re not really a unit that kill you by themselves, because they’re just a standard infantry unit, in fact, the only possible enemy that COULD kill you by themselves are monsters, and even then that’s usually just in conjunction with a horde and specials. And really? You’re using a HANDGUN? To kill archers? Do you know ridiculous that sounds right? You’re using one of your 12 bullets to kill an enemy that’s basically on-par with a clanrat or marauder, when there’s dozens of them around. I mean hey, that’s Legend for you I suppose. And who cares if the archers die from one hit? A lot of enemies die from one hit, because archers are meant to be on-par with standard horde units.
Not only this, but you ARE bragging about how ‘good’ you are and honestly you’re insufferable.
The archers should not be buffed.
Like if you get 12 standing far away behind a horde without any space to run back then honestly in my experience at least 1 teammate will die, often 2.
Because of how they drop blocks, kill movespeed and even cancel ults if really unlucky when hit.
That and they cant be blocked even with a shield for the most part in my experience…subjective as it is.
You seem to repeatedly completely miss the point me and everybody else is trying to make (repeatedly). So, against my better judgement, here I’ll try to explain it once more, hoping that you understand it this time:
None of us are having issues with Archers at the moment. They are not too difficult for us, we know how to counter them, and we can handle them just fine. They are not considered a big threath.
Having said that, even those lowly Archers - like every single other enemy in this game - can easily become a threath in Cata, depending on the context.
If you make Archers more dangerous, they immediately promote from nuisance to frustrating and borderline unfair. We know this from experience since they used to be like that in earlier iterations and Betas. And before you start again: Yes, we could still handle them back then. The problem was with them being not fun to fight against. And the problem is that Archers are either on the easy side, or on the frustrating side, with nothing inbetween. Since we experienced noth versions, most people prefer them as they are currently.
And regarding your whole spiel about being an innately better gamer than the rest of us, and that the reason we disagree with your opinion on Archers is because of how we are just not “gud” enough to deal with them otherwise, instead of because the above argument: If your ego really requires you to believe that you are better than us lowly scrubs like that, I’m not even going to engage that argument further. Good luck with that.
It’s great you can overcome that sort of stuff and manage to do alright in vermintide, I don’t think anyone is saying otherwise. I think this community is pretty damn positive as far as people playing with some sort of disability goes.
But if players who are better than you are saying there’s an issue, maybe the solution isn’t as simple as you think? You don’t have to agree something is bad or annoying to get what people are saying or why they’re saying it, and going on about how the game is just super easy doesn’t do anything but put people off side.
Like yeah if there’s a single archer chilling somewhere you can just shoot them or dodge and it’s easy, but good luck with that handgun when 12 archers spawn in. Or when there’s a whole bunch of other enemies that you need to actually fight or kite around the place while they sit across an entire field and just spam at you.
Again, it’s cool to disagree, but don’t pretend that no-one’s explaining their issues or that you’re just so much better than everyone else for it to not be an issue. Particularly when you’re bragging about legend and an occasional cata clear.
Though maybe you are just that much better, in which case as I said I can’t wait to see your cata+ TS clears. Feel free to prove us all wrong.
You just told everyone in this discussion to get good, this and your inexperience makes me care nothing for your opinion.
Let’s not start attacking each other, everyone is entitled to their opinion and people will disagree.
That’s not “understanding.” It’s just good old fashioned disagreement. They think those things matter, you don’t. Opinions are gonna opinionate. Saying you don’t understand is misleading; you heard what they said just fine, you just don’t agree.
It does no good to ask questions if you are unwilling to accept the answers.
Youʻre just asking for hate with this post.
Archers have unblockable attacks unless you use shields; they have poor accuracy but in numbers one or two arrows is bound to get through.
Archer arrows very briefly stagger you, interrupting your actions. Are you doing the rat ogre dance and need to time dodges precisely? Get hit by an arrow and you probably get hit.
Some classes donʻt have the luxury of wasting their ammo on low damage, low accuracy filler enemies just to get rid of an annoyance. Sure, even slayer “has” ranged weapons, but imagine throwing your 3 axes one by one to kill 7+ archers from afar. Not fun.
Best players play on cata, where a lot of the movement is fast paced and calculated, having to stop tempo to hide behind a rock and shoot archers is not optimal in the least.
Also youʻre being condescending, you donʻt need to say things directly to imply them. The whole “git gud” was implied multiple times in your saying you donʻt understand how we could dislike such an easy enemy in such an easy game thatʻs basically “childʻs play”. So yeah. Suck a fat one.
sigh i completed 3 cata maps last night all containing beastman and archers. into the nest, halescourge, and convocation of decay. my opinion still stands they are weak and completely lackluster in design.
instead of attacking players, please stay on topic. i still feel archers should have a special attack of some sort and be upgraded to a special enemy since beastman only have one special. even the banners are a bigger threat than the archers.
side note: please stop implying that the “best” players in the game have more valid input and opinions than any other player. being the “best” is subjective. this game isnt that hard to master. ive played way more challenging games than this one.
i will like to thank each and every one of you for letting me know the community does not welcome new players and their opinions. that is what im taking away from here by your comments. after i finish all cata maps, i will most likely not be coming back. this is, by far, the worst gaming community ive ever experienced and i play mmos and thats saying something.
3 Cata maps, well done. Into the Nest with Beastmen though? That really adds credibility to your claims… And your opinion still stands? Ghee, and here I was, taking you for someone that would definitely concede a point on an internet forum after already repeating it unchanged 10 times…
Now this is a piece of advice you should have followed yourself, before implying we disagreed with you because we are just not as good at the game as you, earlier in the thread. And regarding the whole “stay on topic” bit: That’s rich, coming from the guy who never even adressed our points even once, instead of just restating his opinion all the time and saying it was worth more because you are such a great gamer, and that we should just git gud to deal with Archers.
This is some real pot-and-kettle stuff right here. Nobody said arguments were worth more or less based on player skill, we were just talking from literal experience with the issue being discussed. Then you were the one who started implying you were better than anybody else and therefore right. And in the end of this paragraph you even did it again!
Oh no. How will we deal without this superior gamer and brilliant debater amids our ranks. A loss for the community. What a sad day.
Upgrading them to a special unit would be an alright compromise, though that would need to be a complete rework. Though I think I’ve been pretty much entirely on topic, bar saying “if you’re as good as you claim you should prove that”.
No-one’s trying to insult you, but when super good players offer complaints about a unit and your response is just “they should get better situational awareness” or “just walk up to them loool” people tend to get a bit dismissive, especially coming from someone with no real endgame experience that you’ve mentioned.
Completing a few cata maps is nowhere near mastery, there’s people out there who’ve done true solos of that content (or similarly difficult stuff), and teams out there who regularly do modded stuff that’s significantly harder. You can do cata maps with meme builds in pubs pretty reliably, it’s hard content but not anything insane. It’s certainly not anything worth bragging about.
I don’t know how you’re getting “You should not tell people who are better than you to git gud when they offer a complaint about lack of counterplay” and turning it into “the community isn’t welcoming of new players” honestly. New players are absolutely welcome, and I’ve never really seen them be bullied (outside a couple people on steam forums, but that’s just steam forums for you). What you’re doing comes across more like “new player acting condescending to significantly more experienced, better players”, which is gonna get a response literally anywhere lol.
What would you rather people respond to you with?
Itʻs less subjective than youʻd like to think. Ever watch really good players play this game? Literally solo cata runs w/ no bots or assistance. As far as skill goes, thereʻs an observable component thatʻs not so subjective.
Also work on your tone. No community would welcome someone like you who talks down to anyone who disagrees with his superior opinion.
Warhammer world needs Van Helsing to clear out all the vampires .<
Just wanted to quote you on all the times you were talking down to people… and wait for it… then thereʻs this
LOL, well if you canʻt take the heat brother, might wanna think twice about dishing it out ey? Thereʻs much more toxic communities in MMOs and online games in general. Ever played path of exile? Ever played league of legends? Ever done a pug in WOW? Vermintide has one of the most accepting communities to newbies and veterans alike. You just happened to be on the receiving end of some heat because of your poor choice in words. Like I said in a previous post, work on your tone and people will appear more accepting.
Well it was never my intention to make anyone feel unwelcome, for that I apologize.
Stating my personal opinion and the reasons for such is not an attack or invalidation of someone else’s opinion.
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