Sienna's Release FAQ

some changes and alterations i would like to see in vermintide 2. These are some ideas that I have and some friends of mine say.

Add the skins of the ranked plot as buyable skins with essence.

Add exclusive frames and skins of each career to the plot mode

New attack progression for some old weapons: ax Victor and bardin, two-handed sword Victor and bardin, 2-handed hammer kruber and bardin… kruber’s sword)

Balancing of some talents and items (I’ll comment in more detail below)

Add cataclysm difficulty choice (1,2,3)

Suggestion: Leave the game free and lower the price of winds of magic, and add a paid battle pass.

Choose feat modifiers.

Release the purchase made.

Change the looby? (Just to give the game a new face)

option to walk in third person in the looby.

Adjust helmet colors

option to change the helmets of the vermintide 1 skins

New skin pack for the new fourth careers

New skins purchasable with shillings (mainly helms)

Weapon skin pack.

New talents: on all equipment (at least 1)

“New” vermintide end times skin pack.

Buying low difficulty XP buffs at Lohner’s emporium (to help new players level up), the beginning on recruit and veteran difficulties are a bit overwhelming

New enemy faction and maps (in the future?)

Fifth character class?

Choosing picture frame?

Add training dummies of each class and armor

Add new enemies:
1skaven, 1chaos, 1minotaur

Bring some desert chaos passives to the normal game, example:
Passive: recover from a ledge, and add to accessory.

Add a new game monster, maybe a minotaur?

New weapons for characters:
Victor: Two-handed triple flail (zealot) / spiked battle club + censer (zealot and warrior priest) / scythe and bell (zealot)
Bardin: Hochland Long Rifle/Ax with chains (slayer exclusive)
Siena: …
Markus: Greatsword and Shield(Special: Guard Shield) / Double Barrel Pistol
Kerilian: shield and spear hagbane (kerilian pathguard exclusive)/ cursed sword (kerilian shadow exclusive)

Additions and changes I would like in Warhammer vermintide 2.

Balancing bosses and monsters:

Bille troll, increase HP to: 800/ 1200/ 1600/ 2400/ 4000/ 5200/ 6400

Skarrik Spinemanglr, increase HP to: 700/ 1050/ 1400/ 2400/ 3800/ 5000/ 6000

Bödvarr Ribspreader, increase HP to: 700/ 1050/ 1400/ 2800/ 3800/ 5000/ 6000

Gatekeeper Naglfahr, increase HP (or increase the life he has to lose to transform from 75% to 20%) to: 700/ 1500/ 2500/ 6000/ 16000/ 18000/ 20000.