Is there any way to tell approximately when we will get sienna's 4th career

As said, my question is: is there any way to tell approximately when we will get sienna’s 4th career.

I dont need a specific day or week, but a month, or a information if it will be released before christmas or more likely after christmas would be nice. So we have something to look forward to in vermintide 2.


I’d love an update. Like for the game since its been quite a while since they reintroduced havoc into the game last time. Kinda feels like we’re already on the backburner, like 6 months of acknowledging numerous bugs and no update.


I would say no sooner than at least a month after Darktide release, if not later. From what they said during various community streams, most of the dev team was temporarily moved over to help out with Darktide.

Not likely to release before Darktide:

So considering that Darktide shall release on the 30th November any Sienna release before would be a huge surprise. And I would be surprised if it will then release this year anyway because the first month after release will be equally busy plus Christmas season.

There is also the issue that Fatshark intends to release some world/lore-building content before Sienna’s 4th class is gonna be to release: