Sienna melee thoughts

They are meh against specials compare to others of course. Her fire Arrows are slow, innacutate, has no pierce and cant oneshot anything.(bolt and beam is kinda ok)
As elf with bow you need one fast shot to the head or one burst with xbow. (and it is easy to land) and thats all. With good aim you dont care about ammo.

And it is stupid to clear hordes with ranged becouse it is free temp hp. Only beastman hordes are kinda threat. (ybefore nerf they was scary, yes)

Her staves are good,but not omg insane. So i see no reason for her melee to be so bad.

Depends what you’re going for. I see it as a control weapon, it’s one of the very few that can stagger even CWs. And it’s normally my go to weapon on Sienna.


It’s probably a matter of playstyles as well. If I need temp HP I go melee but if I don’t I stay at range (with Pyro/BW at least). If you really want to compare the weapons then yes beam, bolt are probably easier against specials in the open but saying they should one-shot is asking too much. The only solid one-shot build for specials (that I can think of) is the handgun + 2x 10% infantry for a body-shot one-shot. That is utterly useless if the specials are in a horde.

Yet again, if you have specials in a horde, Conflag can stagger and deal decent damage with charged and Fireball has the best cleave in the game, period, and can two-shot specials with two shots (may require light headshot or two lightly charged for splash damage).

Examples are based on live legend special HP.

I mean, Kruber´s 2handed mace staggers CW´s pretty often too, but it doesnt have the same issue of dealing like …was it 5 damage per heavy attack? Its actually kinda absurd to try and kill a CW with that.

Feels like grinding away at a meter thick concrete wall with a small metal spoon… “Shawshank redemption” style.

But back on Krubers capability, Bardin can do similar thing with a few of his weapons, as can saltzpyre with his flail if memory serves.

If going really specialized then Slayer can outright oneshot CW´s with the pickaxe.

Kerillian can run circles around CW´s with some of her weapons, even if killing them takes a while depending on the weapon.

Sienna is the only one who is so cripplingly weak in melee across all her careers and given that the waveclear is by no means exclusive i cant see the reason for it : (

I wonder if i ough to make a post asking for unchained to be made the one true melee focused Sienna with appropriate damage in melee for it? 60% power doesnt do enough for her ontop of it being hella risky to actually do it most of the time.

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Would like to see the fire sword actually light on fire.

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