Shooters rework

Interesting. This makes some sense from my ingame experience though. It didn’t come up in the way I was testing it because I rarely if ever directly run at shooters. Instead I was checking melee swings and sideways running so that explains a lot. Thanks for testing that further!

I think I fundamentally disagree with this idea. If there’s a bazillion shooters in a room behind cover there should only be three ways to assault them.

  1. Cover shooter
  2. Flanking maneuvers
  3. Shields

I do not believe that an un-protected direct assault on a firing line is appropriate, believable, or enjoyable. I understand the desire for aggression and aggressive play but I think players should be forced into different approaches. There is only like two sections within any of the maps I can think of where this happens. One is Smelter complex near the beginning after the first medicae. That area, if populated with shooters, offers little in the way of flanking paths and usually has to be shot through. The other is Water Treatment right at the beginning staircase. That always turns into an enormous cluster and its one of my favorite maps for that reason. I’ve had more wipes there than anywhere else. (which I love).

As to shields, weeping.moon and I have been in discussion and have had some disagreement on exactly how they should be rebalanced. But their ideal use case, to me, is precisely as you describe.

I think they exist and more of them will exist and when they are properly realized they will allow exactly the kind of gameplay you want, of rushing directly at entrenched shooter groups. But until they properly adjust stamina drain from ranged fire to be sensible to the 40K universe, we are stuck with the remaining two approaches.

The design intent of the game was pretty clearly specified as containing sections where the map design demands different approaches to solve, one of those approaches was a cover shooter. Its not supposed to be a game where one strategy (rush them!) is always viable.
To quote the game itself on this matter:

Admittedly this is funnier because I was using a long ranged melee weapon and didn’t bring a gun, and the “fire” in question appears to be mine. But there’s an army of shooters outside that door.

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