Potentional ideas/fixses/tweaks for shields to become great.
Keep it lower/shorter dodge then 1-handed versions, but increase it from how it is
at the current build.
Can also have it be the same on the first dodge as 1-handed version then it slowly
decrease range for each aditional dodge to a maximum of 4 - 6 dodge or how many it has
today. Dont remeber how many dodge count the shield has today because dont use it
that often, even if wanna use it form time to time, then remeber after one run how
many downsides it has to it compared to everything else sadly in my opinion.
The almost stationary movment while attacking with shields has to go, i understand
your carrying a shield and its heavier but it just to much right now in my opinion.
Maybe have the heavy attacks and shield bash work like 2 handed weapon where they get alittle
forward movment at the end of attack.
Increase speed tiny bit of lights maybe…
Mobility in general feels a touch to underwhelming. Feel like a potato during faster enemies.
Shield attack/melee:
Make the shield bash do actual comparable damage to the rest of the attack pattern??
Make shield bash and shield push stagger or every 2’nd or 3’d shield bash for a bit longer
then how it is right now. Or could be tied to enemy size. if your fighting slave rats they
stagger and some of them fall down for a bit longer then fanatics etc,etc. the bigger
the units the more resistant.
Make shield more resistant to fire, not only ratgunner.
able to block or block most/partial of the damage also from poison wind globadier and
stormfiend gas, troll spew? (not blinded if you block)
Boss problem:
Make the shield have a cooldown passive or add an talent for only shields that fills
up after 8 - 16 sec or so that can actually block unblockable monster attacks and
CW’s heavy attacks. To compensate for their very minimal dodge range when meeting
spawn of chaos and ratogre etc the faster bosses.
(could also work like a meter that fills up the more attacks you block makes it goes
down faster again for second use…)
This could be a passive only for shields,talent or even a new weapon trait tied to shields
Horde problem and ideas for new abilites with shields:
(Some of this would get alot better if the other suggestion earlier would be addressed)
Idea to have shield weapons to be able to put down shield and use there weapon
as there one handed versions. (Like a special weapon ability like the saltspyre
ability with his pistols). Since almost no other weapons have or use this extra
ability/keybind. You wouldnt be able to do this all the time or as a one time use
per map like you have to make a sacrifice when you ditch it or a longer cooldown
after you picked it up again. (or possibly able to pick up at ammo boxses also maybe)Like a “slamdown in ground” where the shield sticks in the ground.
And you either pick it up again when you want or else you have to stick with your
1 handed version for the rest of the game.Could lead to some fun scenarios you could do with this, like if your fightning
a horde and things start going south, and a gunner rat(++) shows up from behind or
You can slam your shield down into the ground and it will actually work as a very
tiny wall (advantage dwarf… since hes short lol) and you can utilize it to not get
shot/pinned down if you stay behind while fighting horde and shield works as an object
on the map so slaverats go around it not straight through it ofcourse. -
Idea to have shields like the first suggestion use the extra ability like saltspyre
only use right now. But have it be an actually parry if your able to time it right before
enemy/stormvermin overhead/chaoswarrior etc… hit and leaves the them open/ in a staggered
postion for 1.5 - 3 secs for an attack that does guaranteed extra or critical damage for the
duration they are staggered.
(Would be fun if this could also be used/work with hookrats and gutterrunners) -
Idea to give shields mini version of krubers Fk’s ult, tied to weapon special like the
first two ideas or a selectable new shield trait. Where it works like a control/defense
where you can push/tackle for a few meters with your shield up (have to be considerable
less then footknight’s ult) only few meters in the direction you choose. Like if your
getting surrounded you can tackle left/right side in a direction to control horde and
they fall down for alittle longer duration then shield bashes. -
Idea Hit your shield (3 times) to aggro Monster/Patrol/Elites for a duration mentioned in
this post?
Shields wears down slowly in long runs, cracks/bulges/holes from extended ratgunner fire,
Stormvermin,CWs heavies atck… ( arrows stick on shield from archers when beastmen hits?? )
Think some of this could make the shields more fun and complex to use also in the long run.