Pretty much over Fartshark for now. Shame on them for this release.
I wouldn’t go so far as to say “it’s over,” as it’s likely this game will maintain a small but consistent population once most of the new release-chasers move on; the game will not have the staying power it would have garnered with a full game on release, though. I mean, there’s simply no conceivable way to spin this in anything other than a negative light:
There’s simply no way it’ll be looked at favorably four four years down the line like Vermintide 2 is. As flawed as that launch was, it didn’t carry with it a whole plethora of issues that would require flat-out removal of fundamental systems to solve.
I agree, might come back to play it every now and then to scratch the 40k itch but I’ve already stopped playing regularly.
its over
I would not be so pessimistic. I think the DT will be playable in few months. It might join the group of games that had bad launch, but followed the path of redemption through frequent updates (remember Cyberpunk or No Man’s Sky?) and I consider that development to be most likely. Why?
My brain tells me, that even if Sharks will follow the cold path of The Corporate, then they will fix the game to get the investment back and secure an additional source of income. They have two options now, either just let the game slowly die with diminishing returns or invest some more resources into it to keep the project afloat in the hopes of increasing the cashflow shortly. Based on my working experience, I expect the latter, dumping down a troublesome project down the drain is very rare, there is too much at stake for management in such cases, both on their personal (heads may roll) and financial levels (company might get hit hard).
But most importantly, my heart tells me, that we know that Fatshark can make awesome games and many of us have pumped countless hours into their titles (and that is also why the bad start of DT hurts so much), so I hope they will right their wrongs with DT. I gave the game negative review on steam, but will be more than happy to turn the thumbs up, should it become worthy again.
I’m not so confident. I’m playing this game despite its launch. I have never touched No Man’s Sky nor Cyberpunk 2077, and people say that I am missing out on some quality games. The thing is that I don’t care. My backlog is full enough of games that I want to play without bothering to support companies that cannot even be bothered to ship a working title.
The reason I am in Darktide is because I have a group of VT2 friends and we are now playing this. I am seriously impressed by the gun play (I never expected it to be this good). I also have no problem with the random shop as that’s just random loot boxes with another skin (the problem here is that crafting is not available so it’s impossible to judge how the system works as a whole). and then there are tons of things that I don’t like.
This game had no business shipping incomplete. I’m guessing there are economical reasons that forced their hands but I personally don’t care. We’ll see if they sort things out, but this was a huge waste of an excellent game. Give it a few months or more and we’ll se. What a shame that the launch is forever botched.
That’s actually a point I always find really funny. Ultimately, the fate of this game is very likely to be lostware. It’s always-online, dedicated server-based, and your account data is not stored locally. While the dedicated server issue could be solved on its own by non-Fatshark-affiliated fans, the lack of our account data means all your progress will go up in smoke when Fatshark decides to pull the plug.
Effectively, the game will last for precisely as long as Fatshark sees fit to keep the servers running–and considering their past server-based games, that won’t be all that long. They can and will cut the servers the minute they deem them unprofitable. War of the Vikings lasted all of six months before Fatshark ceased development, and its servers limped along for less than three years total before they were shut down. The game is no longer playable in any way. For comparison, that would be like Vermintide 2 becoming unplayable in late 2020/early 2021.
Side note: while looking for info on Fatshark’s previous games to get the dates right, I stumbled upon this absolute gem of a quote from a gaming site’s review of War of the Roses:
“I haven’t had this much medieval bashing fun since the days of Rune. It just ticks all the right boxes for me, it’s community focused, rewards teamwork, there’s rich strategy and leaderboards coming too.”
Even all the way back in 2012, Fatshark games had new features Coming Soon!™
Well they already had planned the ability to play solo so them implementing some sort of peer2peer system in the future is kinda likely.
Fixes the issue of needing massive amounts of servers at least.
Yeah drop back in a year and its probably something closer to what vermintide2 was after multiple patches. No one should expect this game to get better any time soon.
Not particularly keen on that possible console release hiatus that will eventually happen.
its 53% now