Scoreboards and Finding a Compromise Solution

Why do a half measure when half measures are always unreliable?
Ie. Locks Half Removed

Like one person said, there should be a way to opt-in and out of scoreboards unlike the current crossplay feature. Clearly some people abhor the scoreboard, let them opt-out.

“Why even make it a problem in the first place?” Bruv, not many people think it’s a problem. Nor it is a problem that can be solved by not creating an official scoreboard that’s 100% accurate unlike current scoreboard mods.

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My take… a while ago…

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no compromise.

if people are so afraid of toxicity then they would have not looked at or turned off chat.
people suffering from scorephobia are the true toxic ones who blame teammates despite themselves being the weakest link, which would be reflected on scoreboard.


I see your point, and to that point: Why fix a problem that doesn’t need fixing? There’re two mods that I know of that are largely detailed - moreso than what Vermintide 2 offered. If the modding community has it covered, why push for it when you can work on more content?

Only gripe I have is the Health Station Used category; that’s led to countless absolute buffoons getting themselves killed in my experience because they think they can tough it out for an imaginary score; 9/10 times, they can’t.

I downloaded the mod, where can I see how much soulblaze damage I’ve done? I’ve clicked on many things, but can’t seem to find it.

you need the basic scoreboard mod :

and the ovenproof plugin to it:

That’s the way it should look when you install it correctly. You can customise what is displayed at the final screen, in fact you will have to as by default it might display too much data:


thanks, i have to customize ovenproof because i don’t like how the lower lines don’t fit my screen (1440p), but then it gives you all data you need to see what worked and what not.

I was using the other scoreboard with the interactive layout. Would ovenproof be compatible with this?

Add a simple checkbox in the options similar to how you can hide your helmet/cloak in world of warcraft. Enable it from the menu, or keep it disabled from the menu. That way for those that want it, we have the option. Those that don’t, you have the option of disabling it. Everyone is happy.

“I don’t want there to be an option for scoreboard at all!”

Too bad, there already is. This solution makes it so we will never hear this stupid scoreboard argument again.


Um this is 100% not the reason people are hail-mary medicae’ing :mending_heart:


This is aligns with my previous replies to posts on the matter… to which a number of folks who favor the individual stat view complained that it was effectively useless information by only providing your individual breakdown and the team’s total as comparison… Let’s see how/if those particular gremlins rear their heads here…

I’m out here casually enjoying Darktide. I’m not looking to get sweaty improving my performance game over game (at least not anymore). I’ll play to the best of my ability in the moment. Sometimes, that’s “carry the whole team kicking and screaming to victory”, sometimes it’s “get immediately humbled by the crusher ball you didn’t know was a crusher ball” but more often it’s “it wasn’t the prettiest, but we got there.”

I’d consider an official scoreboard as new content. N yeah there are different scoreboard mods but they arent all 100% accurate, nor do players use the same mods to get the same exact readings.

First off, forgive me for not reading everything. I am lazy POS. I saw that there was a post about scoreboards and wanted to give my narrow take on it.

Scoreboard, a subject that time and time again has been brought up. My standpoint was and is that: it’s not in the game by default (unless something has changed), which is fine, since we can mod it if we want to. I think this is pretty much as good as it gets. Nobody’s forced to use it, but people can if they want to.

In roughly 2k hours played on Steam (probably half in AFK/Psykhanium boast boast), I’ve met at most 10 people who were toxic about scoreboard. It’s mostly, in my opinion, the forums that tend to bring it up and cause a shitstorm.

Maybe there is more toxicity in lower difficulties or other regions. That’s something I’ve seen in other games, but it very much depends on the game.

Overall, I don’t mind the odd tox-lord. Partially because I am hardened by the internet, but also because I’m an MMORPG:er. Want to talk about toxic scoreboards? Hoooooleeeeeeeeeee s**t. :exploding_head:


In the context of “content” I’m talking about what devs typically focus on - levels, weapons, etc.

You are one of those people who just make a statement,
without putting any examples or proof behind it and then just “stand you ground”.

How brave of you.

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I assume you mean Power DI? Probably not, ovenproof plugin was created for the base scoreboard mod. I would imagine Power DI has some options to display the data you want there, but I never used it myself, it felt like too much faff, so i cannot help with that. Maybe ask on the mod’s page here:

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console can’t use mods

keep in mind soulblaze isn’t necessarily used for dmg, it’s to make sure the kill is considered yours for activating on-kill effects even when allies kill the target on soulblaze.

Yeah I used it to test wildfire and wildfire is straight up garbage.

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Bruh. There ain’t no way you are serious. I am going to start screenshotting these fairy tale scenarios the anti-scoreboard crowd constructs in their mind to try and promote toxicity involving a scoreboard. I am starting to come to the conclusion the real toxic people are the anti-scoreboard crowd themselves.