Sanction the More Hats mod or officially allow certain hats to be equipable by other characters

looked that up and damn, that would look good on Saltspire too



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I finally opened a hat with pyromancer after 260+ hours only to discover that it’s battle wizard exclusive. I am so annoyed by this.
I’m fine with not using hats that look ridiculous on sienna like bardin’s head (though it gives a game a fun element which is essential, at least for me) but everything else should be usable.


this hat combo is even inspiring bad-ass fanart

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@Fatshark_Hedge could we possibly get some sort of estimated time frame a little more accurate than summer for mod approval or even just some conformation on how mod approval is progressing?

and while i doubt you’ll answer something this specific, will the more hats mod be among the mods to be approved?

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I can tell you with 100% accuracy that the more hats mod will not be added. It would defeat the entire purpose of their RNG loot box nonsense. xD

you cant tell anyone anything on this subject with “100% accuracy” since your not a Dev…

and why exactly do you think this would have any negative effect on the loot box system? you still have to unlock the hats as normal before you can use them on other careers/characters?

Considering we are talking about IP licensing where literally everything gets reviewed by GW, I’d say chances are slim the mod will ever be sanctioned. I would rather see more hats “officially” given green light for more than just one carreer.

You can unlock FUTURE hats with a mod. There are a ton in the game files that will be released as parts of dlcs. Go and have a look. I’m pretty sure the devs are more concerned about that.

There’s another thread here where someone posted a response from the Devs. The hats in the game now are going to be released as new challenges or complete sets, etc. It’s basically future content. Which means there’s no way in hell they would sanction the more hats mod. So yea, I can tell you with 100% accuracy that it will simply not happen.

It is kinda upsetting to learn that these hats have been in the game since the release but they are purposely withholding them for future updates. I mean, players have been very vocal about lack of end game content.

If they are rewards for playing dlc maps, we cannot really expect them to release these hats separately.

I can’t believe that the 100+ hats that people have found are all for DLC achievements? Unless they did all the hats in one go and are going to release a few of them every few months with each DLC. That’s still a really shitty thing to do considering how few hats there are now and how they’re nearly impossible to even get.

The DLC was supposed to be released months ago, they can at least chuck the hats into rotation as a sign of goodwill.

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Before we can expect any kind of new hats for anything, I suspect someone is going to have to have a lengthy conversation at Fatshark to explain the concept of goodwill and how it makes excellent customer service to recompense people for giving them a broken product in exchange for money.

We might need to divert their attention from the X Box though, so good luck with that.


Game’s Workshop aren’t going to that overbearing with mods, have you seen the mods for Warhammer Total War?

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this has no bearing on the more hats mod, i’m still not sure you understand what it does so i’m going to reiterate again,
The mod lets you equip hats that you have in your inventory on careers/characters other than the one there bound to.

That’s not all it does… It also unlocks all the hats.

no that’s false, please go try the More Hats mod yourself if you don’t believe me

i think you might be confusing it with the Give All Hats mod

Fair enough, I’ll have to check and see which one I installed

Ah, I must of had the other mod as well. Fair enough

As long as the mod only changes the hats on your screen. I don’t want to see Seinna’s hats on Kerillian and so on. That kinda stuff belongs in the modded relm.

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that appears to be the goal of the More Items Library mod probably with the guidance of FatShark

Eventually, it will also handle making these items display only to mod-using players in the trusted realm. This change would prevent custom item mods from impacting the experiences of unmodded players, a likely condition of sanctioned custom item mods.