Requirements for Damnation: Upgraded weapons

I realize the game isn’t exactly difficult for a seasoned player, but most players are far from seasoned and too many people are just wanting to be carried after they increased the rewards in Damnation+ matches.
There should be at least some minimum requirement for Damnation, at least for High Intensity+Special Conditions Public matches.

Joining Damn+HiInt+Special with blue or green/white weapons should not be allowed (in public matches) , you should have more than enough materials to do some basic upgrades, constantly relying on others to carry you and being rewarded for bad behavior is bad for the player base and the game.


I don’t really mind this personally, its just free difficulty. Though I hate the complete lack of target priority some of these people have. Still, I agree with you. Minimum gear level for damnation makes sense.

I kid you not, it seems like every other game people are using blue/green weapons; how lazy can you be (on HiInt+)?
I don’t mind the added difficulty but I resent the fact that people don’t want to contribute the bare minimum amount of teamwork; most pubs don’t handle the extra strain at all.
I don’t think it’s fair to burden a group of 3 average players with teammates who put zero effort into their characters and reward bad behavior.

The best way to learn to play is by playing and observing better players. Games are lost by bad decisions and sometimes by bad mechanics (not blocking and dodging enough etc).
I don’t think item power level matters as much as the gear choices. An ogryn with fully upgraded achlys heavy stubber, latrine shovel, 3 wound curios will most likely perform worse than an ogryn with full blue gear bull butcher, rumbler, 3 max health curios.

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I mean you can pick a white weapon with 370+ and call it a day so… and if it´s one of the weapons with sick basestats and without the needing of special blessings like others, you´ll probably perform better than guys sitting on those orange gear.

I really don´t see any need to gatekeep players from trying out higher difficulties. Ofc there might be some guys leeching, you´ll never know. But it´s also mostly the chance to either teach them (if they´re willing ofc) or to get better by yourself since you´ll carry a lot. Not to forget that there are guys just playing off-meta.

All in all it´s how multiplayer-games have ever been and will ever be and the only solution is to find 3 friends to play with.

It’s funny you say that, 'cause on the match that just ended it was an ogryn w extra wound, blue 429 shovel and blue 432 Krourk OG crappy stubber. Why couldn’t he have upgraded them to orange first?

It was painfully obvious he was new and spent much of the match facetanking and standing in front of veterans and bodyguarding all the enemy elites.

SOME kind of gear gating may have forced him to put in the tiniest amount of effort and prevented him from joining a damnation match for just a bit, it may have given him a chance to get his feet wet a little more.

P.S. To your point though, there was an ogryn yesterday w/ an Achlys orange stubber who just Dakka facetanked everything without hurting anything, it was painful to watch. He was playing with a steam buddy, zealot revolver who only ranged. It was almost certainly a duo straight outta Compton Malice with no time in Heresy.
Even a light requirement for having dome some heresy missions or anything really would have given them a chance to improve and maybe contribute something. If your team is better off with a god awful DT bot you’re doing something wrong.

I could not care less about meta, but most people seem to complain that the game is “too hard”, I don’t see how some very basic requirements for Dangnation is a bad thing, DT had it for Cata, a basic gear check is not a big deal and it may give your average public lobby a fighting chance rather than being bogged down by bad actors.

It’s painful to read too.
I’m so sorry for what you’ve been through.

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Gearlevel isn´t that important in DT as heropower (level) have been in V2. And the bit of extra 20% against XY or getting a second blessing, which might not be great at all, doesn´t mean so much seriously.

Ofc every stat can make a difference, but it´s not really that important in this game since “normal” gear is enough to clear damnation, while great to perfect gear outscales it by miles.

If anything i would make a hint for newcomers like “Level 30 + 480GS recommended” or so. But i´m not a fan of gatekeeping difficulties on GS or level requirements at all. Jumping into malice / heresy / damnation asap on new classes is all i want to not get bored so.

is there a mod for this? 'cause I can’t see my team’s gear at all.

Yep, Teammate Loadouts at Warhammer 40,000: Darktide Nexus - Mods and community


It has little to do with not wanting to contribute to not being arsed to deal with the complete travesty that is the current upgrade system. Beating damnation is not hard with a solid group and it does not require gimped up gear. If FS ever gets their act together and design a progression system that is actually fun, then I’ll happily play that part of the game as well. Right now they’re just lucky that the missions themselves are so solid that a few of us stick around.

As for level caps, I ran damnation with a level 26 psyker a few days ago. He died once in a tough spot, but otherwise played exceptionally well. I just don’t see caps solving any problems.

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P.P.S. Same Ogryn dropped our only med crate to heal his missing 30% HP within visual range of the med station too.


Losing high difficulty pubs is just part of DT.
You can be a God at DT but if your team can’t stick tougher it’s only a matter of time till they get picked apart by special spawns and it doesn’t matter what colour the weapons they got.
If you want to clear more pubs talk to your team get them to group up.
I play zealot and I will rush ahead of the group and take out range and melee solo just fine but when I say I rush ahead I will never just leave line of sight of my team and rush rooms ahead and will always try and keep one CTW away from them so I can rush back in if needed.
Tell them to group up and you will live though pretty much anything.

This is pretty much exactly what I would say. If I want to use a weapon that I haven’t grinded blessings for, I’m going to get a grey with good rolled stats and try it out (not on any High Int etc. Damnation but still basic Damnation). Especially considering you could fully upgrade it to reach the gear score level, and the perks and blessings could be almost entirely useless (E.G. Groaner/Poxwalker damage+ on a Lucius).

So here’s a much better idea that benefits everybody.

Just up Heresy rewards to the same level as Damnation. Up Malice rewards by at least 50%.

Wow now none of the people wanting to leech for mats have any reason to play Damn in the first place. Anyone who still plays Damn under prepared at that point is probably doing it for something spicy or because they enjoy difficulty. Such people are very likely to be receptive to any polite criticism you have of them.

Bonus points we can make Damnation harder and absolutely nobody has any reason to complain :smiling_imp:

How do you see their weapon ratings? Is there a mod for it?

I also would not mind a requirement of 10 or so successfully cleared missions on heresy (on the account) as requirement to join pub Damnation in the first place.

The past few days, i had players who had absolutely no awareness for anything, in almost every run. Maybe some people just are not able to see anything than the exact thing they are focusing on, but maybe a bit more experience also helps with this.
Here are some dishonorable mentions:

  • Guy runs out of ammo, you tag EVERY ammo drop for the guy and the dude walks straight past it every time.
  • Medipack lies in a crate (that everyone has to walk past; no other possible way through the mission), yet the two guys who have space to carry it, do not take it with them (although i tagged the medpack, they just walked past it).
  • Ogryn with his ranged weapon out (maybe ogryn machinegun and shotgun are a bit overtuned and could use a hefty reduction to their ammo; they are basically the new zealot flamethrower) blazes away at enemies with no care for teammates, objectives or anything else really. At one point in the mission, a bunch of crushers and bulwarks came at us and the other 2 teammates were killed because the ogryn simply chilled with his gun out, instead of maybe using his ult to push the enemy ogryn over and at least reduce the pressure on his teammates.

I love our modding community, always here to pick up where FS stopped. Thanks for showing that mod.

Totally disagree.

1.) you can use a non upgraded weapon and do lot of damages… I did it by the past when I was waiting to get enough plasteel to craft my blue Kantrael shotgun to orange.
2.) there are people that can do damnation without even being maxed. They won’t spend lot of plasteel to get a weapon that is not worth it just to have the right to go the damnation.
3.) There is already a minimum requirement. Can’t remember, I think it is level 12 of confidence.
4.) before you start to be good in this difficulty level… you will be carried. That’s a fact.