This post is mainly grumping about the bonk attack with the Psyker staves, which is completely worthless and has no reason to be there. I remember a thread where @Fizland had a complaint about quelling being bound to reload as well - maybe the “special action” for staves could be an alternate quell bind?
Other weapons, such as those that don’t come with flashlights, have a mediocre bash attack as well.
Why remove them outright, and not instead spice them up ?
Staves (which personally I want to see for some be renamed to be divided in disciplines) would get a melee Bach that can be charged at the cost of generating perils for example.
Gun bash are good enough for a few of the weapons tbh, but I’d like to see more special ammo (Revolver getting Dum Dum rounds for example, though that would mean separate blessing pool from the current ones)
Special attacks on everything is great and really spices up the gameplay for me. Why not have another move in the game series you constantly cycle through short move lists.
But the staff special is literally pointless and doesn’t fill that role at all. In some stagger scenarios you can floor an elite with a headshot bonk, but every staff is capable of elite staggering with freakin warp magic instead. And hit multiple enemies.
The scythe special from necro Sienna should be used for trauma. And some fitting specials for the other ones. Something that gives the old surge function back would be sorely missed for me…I literally hate what they did to that weapon.
Special actions should generally be overhauled. It’s a cool concept and done well in some weapons but why exactly, fundamentally, does the power sword work the way it does? So you have a bad sword and you have to power it up before using it for a couple swings. How is that a game mechanic anyone thought is good or worthwhile? What engaging decisionmaking or combat mechanics does this feed into? Nothing, you’re just forced to press the button before hitting anything (unless you wanna barely do damage)
Gold standard is the stuff like ogryn punches/slaps or the combat knife punch, heavy sword twohanded strikes, and catachan parry. There’s probably more but those come to mind as cool and interesting because they add actual gameplay options that add variety to the weapon via giving you unique tools or new combos.
I dunno I use the +weakspot damage on dodge talent with Thrust on the new chainaxe and everything dies. I almost never rev it because it makes the same damage take way longer to inflict.
I could also go on about how much I don’t like the dodge cancel, could they not have made that block instead? So many times you go for that rev attack on a plogryn after his slam and touch him at the wrong moment so the attack like auto cancels. Man it feels bad, the usual monkey’s paw change of ‘yes we’ll buff chain weapons but we need to ruin them at the same time’.
Thanks for the shoutout! Still waiting eagerly too, haha. I completely agree with you on the nostalgia for the old psyker mechanics. Swapping to melee weapons did seem to quell much faster back then, making it a better fit for certain builds. And about the staves, I can’t help but wonder if the Darktide team missed an opportunity there. It’s like they were in the cleaners’ closet during Vermintide 2’s development.
While I do find the psyker’s weapon specials lackluster, they’re invaluable for the Ogryn and some weapons are downright essential. It’s a delicate balance, isn’t it? I’m hesitant to suggest removing any, fearing it might be misinterpreted, potentially leading to losing the good ones. Hopefully, the developers are listening and considering our feedback…
new chain axe can stagger crushers out of overheads, and pretty easily kill bulwark/reaper in one heavy attack to the head with the myriad buffs on veteran/zealot and thrust. basically I rev to kill crusher and mauler in one hit if there’s time, everything else is one or two shot. the difference between the 2 is the safety and level of braindumb. the latch on the Mk4 is slightly wider for staggering ragers though, which is good so it has an edge on something. along with horde damage. but the new chain axe is good for single target (like all the new chain weapons) most particularly carapace. I like hitting for 1500+ with staggers instead of 500 and none. on crushers in corners its a life safer canceling their overheads.
Yeah, this would be my call. Make the special a reason to consider a weapon (like it is with many melee weapons) rather than just something that fills a keybind (like it is with most ranged weapons).
Simple is fine. As long as they’re actually useful. Like, if you’re better off just not using it because it’s just worse than another option every single time (staff and AG bashes jump out at me here) it probably needs looking at.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the brauto bash for the style factor and I don’t want it replaced, but the reality is that you’re better off switching to melee. I just want it to be better than it is.
Well yeah and then even more pointless than that we have flash lights. Even just changing your grip up for more tacticool shooting would be more game changing than that. Too bad the attachment system was abandoned instead of letting us swap out these minor things. I actually think the targetting laser is cool…even if its also pointless.
Pushing with Brauto and Bolter works for me, at least.
The timing is slightly different than that of the melee push, or perhaps the window for pushing is less on ranged weapon push than melee, but it works well enough for me, and you save a handful of milliseconds by not having to swap weapons.