Release green Cadian Flak Armor now

yeah something like this armor scheme would really benefit from the dye system, since there are like 20+ GW official Cadian patterns let alone what a fan could cook up. instead we get the luxury of buying it 3 times (though there is no city fight version for veteran unlike the other classes).


I’ve got that already in COD MW3, crazy. Along with authentic Scout Marine. But not in this game lol.

Both cosmetics are based on the official figures, I’ve compared them.


Instead here we get these weird abomination versions of existing 40k designs
Where abdomen armour is forbidden for the veteran especially his heavy armours.


is that in the game it looks awesome,
is this another one of those yet to be released things?

Man, FS really should officially incorporate the “For the Drip” mod into the game. I can’t accept that I’m the only person who will get to gaze on the glory of this ersatz Elysian loadout in-game… :sweat_smile:




whats broken for you? everything in the game works great for me and im on xbox at that. i see people talk as if the game wont even start lmfao.

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Still needs more armor on legs and fully sealed helmet, but that’s a step in the right direction.


Wait… I HAVE to try this with my Warden Carapace Helmet-


You know, considering you’ve likely been playing a while now I just don’t understand.

How can you not be feeling the jank? Are you just blind to it?

Twice, in the last 3 days, I’ve gotten stuck in an infinite loading screen, likely because the mission I was connecting to, ended (or some other janky coding, don’t care the actual reason). Or another one, where the shader cache screws up regularly, making the game feel glitchy and slow, meaning I have to yet again restart and hope it fixes itself.

The fact is, this garbage shouldn’t be happening at this point, people have reams of issues they encounter on the regular, and Fatshark are paddling their pudgy butts through the swamp they created.


I tell you what, mister “it works perfectly”

Load up Veteran, go into the training area. Equip a Lucius MKIII. Use the bayonet on a target 4-5 times. Do it a few times, watch the animations.

Its been like that since release.


Ye, warhammer has always been a cult brand with a fringed-group-following. Fatshark had a chance to change that for 1-2 weeks but as everyone knows, that didnt go so well. Either way there must also be many people that like that fact that it isnt mainstream, like 4chan users.

If call of duty can get it we’ll get it in this 40k game where we literally can play as guardsmen right? RIGHT?


Honestly I’m surprised we haven’t gotten a set yet
Especially considering they’re a regiment with exposed abdomen armour as standard

Their canon designs literally fits into their current awful implementation of existing guard armours


Already taken care of. :shushing_face:

I don’t think there’s any way to get any of the existing kneepads onto these legs, though.

Looking forward to seeing the results. :smiley:

I’ve had that happen a couple of times. I just assume it must be connected to the dozen-ish mods I currently have installed… :sweat_smile:

Point. LOL

For what it’s worth, though, there’s a couple of colour-palettes in the game files accessible through the for_the_drip mod with “Elysian” in the file-name, and likewise the boots that my PC is wearing in the pict. :shushing_face:


Here I am braving miles of bug messages (thank you darktide updates) to deliver you the news that NO there will be no flak armor, only new dropship themed SUPER PREMIUM slop (man wouldn’t it be cool to actually drop out of a ship, now that the land in animation just bugs out). At least the green flak targeting helm had its flags added, so it should be there.

as usual ogryn set mogs everyone ludicrously bad.


Oh hey Elysian drop troop gear
And it actually looks good


I know, right? Still no proper Cadian kit in the classic pattern, but this, at least?

This is glorious.


Yeah I was wondering if I could use for the drip to take the Elysian helmet visor and combine it with the carapace helmet.

The Elysian cosmetics set is the highest quality veteran regiment set we’ve gotten period.
It’s just, correct.
No bs fan fiction stuff with missing parts or battle damage.
Just a solid accurate to lore Elysian guard armour.


Yeah I’ve been waiting for it since the first leak as well :frowning:

At least now I’ve got the helmet and the backpack (off-color but I can live with that)