I am posting this to ask that Fatshark please release the Veteran armor in the attached picture. I have been playing since the closed beta and I have wanted this armor since the first time I saw the game. At this point if you want to charge for it I will pay for it gladly. I just want the armor. Please someone at Fatshark update me on this. @FatsharkJulia
People really need to learn to play their cards better. It should still be a free/penance related cosmetics, always and ever. Also Julia is a Community support, you want a Community Manager, like Catfish, Quickpaw (I think he is one, might be wrong though) and Strawhat
I just want the armor. I was interested in playing my cards right a year ago. Now I just want the armor. Thanks for your reply
Since we have the new Abilities and Blitzes, we do need some new Penances for them!
Yes, bit that one isn’t linked to the new branches, but new penance are sorely needed
I’d be glad for it to be implemented via Penances anyhow because…
Well, it’s sexy
In theory it’s still related to penance since it’s named under a similar name in the files, but it’s related to the Sharpshooter penance gear
Classic Fatshark moment
This is how it should be tbh
Weird that it’s shown in game art, class selection, and cutscenes, but not actually available to people who made and leveled a Vet.
idk if you can consider it as “game leak/spoiler” but
it exist in game files
one mod from discord of modding community shows it in-game, and not only it but also new armor for penances so… we probably should get it as a reward aswell?
i just really hope we get it afterall
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