I’m not expecting anything flashy. The current direction of offering mostly recolors and detail swaps of existing gear is fine, plus the occasional new base set to spice things up.
Having the free options updated at least as often as the premium ones would go a long way toward making the cosmetic progression feel less predatory. Would probably be a better solution to the souring longtime player sentiment than tossing us some old assets every time we clutch our pearls.
No, because they want you to shop in the Commodore’s Vesture’s with real money, which you may not do if the offerings in the ordo docket store competes with the mTX store.
There are unpublished penance set and recolors for them in the game files, that may or may not be released in the future, but I don’t think Fatshark prioritizes this right now.
Got a genuine chuckle out of me. More free cosmetics? Never going to happen.
Just as high of a chance that Fatshark will add more penances based upon the new class skills and abilities, and add more prisoner themed outfits as rewards.
Nah. If you want cool cosmetics you’ll need to open your wallet and buy macrotransactions, like the good little consumer that Fatshark wants you to be.
Fun fact: they already have penance gear for the “alternative classes” or rather archetypes that we got in the class update.
If you have the see all cosmetics mod you can tell by the file names that at one point penances with gear rewards were planned for the other Psyker and zealot archetypes.
Now the question is:
A: Was it scrapped?
B: Not finished in time and pushed back?
C: decided that they’d be sold for MTX last minute?
Yeah. I wish they would just give us SOMETHING atleast. same with penances. We shall see if we get enything fun regarding this for part 2 of the anniversary update next month