I'll ask nicely so please fatshark, PLEASE fire whoever you got designing premium cosmetics

please just pull up your bootstraps and do them yourselves to ensure us quality content, please? its not like its a secret youre not even doing them yourself but rather outsourcing to some random company, you have the skills yourselves to make good looking content, you have proven this.

the krieger vet is awful with so many unsatisfying issues with it like how the helmet is so godawful even though we’ve had people in our community mock up a better one (i dont have the picture for it but its there on the subreddit and this forum i think). or how the sleeves are far too big and how the tailcoat is so crazy unsatisfying even though you have proven that physics based tailcoats and free hanging fabric is possible in engine. or how the chest box looks butchered now due to the hotfix to fix clipping. dont even get me started on the pauldrons looking like they were taped down and using a design that is objectively the ugliest you could’ve chosen for krieger pauldrons.

or like how recently with the scion gear with the helmet having absolutely no neckguard despite all content references showing all scions having neckguards. now that weve seen the upcoming scion vet chest we can see that it is quite possible the worst interpretation of a scion set out there. scions have armor spanning most of their body covering everything from head, chest, shoulders, lower arm, gloves and kneeguards. while we dont know what the legs will look like we already know the scion chest is missing gloves, lower arm and a neckguard. it should also be said that the datamined armor has elbow pads that are so comically large im astounded you ok’d that in the first place.

this trend of putting out halfbaked and genuinely unsatisfying cosmetics you deign as “premium” is honestly as frustrating as you guys straight up disappearing for months on end without a word.

i WANT to buy cosmetics from you, i WANT to give you my money but nothing you put out in the premium store even looks decent, especially the ones that are supposed to be “deluxe” or whatever you called those cosmetics with that gold emblem on them.

you guys have the talent, you have shown us you are capable of it. please manually take over the premium cosmetics store development and give us the things we are asking for. we dont want artistic interpretation, we want 1:1 sets from 40k.

i really hope this feedback gets passed to the developers because this request isnt even asking for them to remove the MXT’s in the game, i simply just want them to be better.


I think FS might have no control over this, like it’s in their agreement with Tencent that it will flood DT with shitty cosmetics to farm some money either for a few years or till they reach some value.


there’s someone who found the associated company, they most likely are the ones these 3D art gets outsourced to

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I think that’s copium tbh. More likely the CEOs just foisted it off on the cheapest company possible.


If only they gave a crap about what their players want.

Alas, alas.


Quite likely. I’ve seen a number of deals with Chinese companies -both during my time in Hong Kong and here in the US- and they tend to mandate a certain amount of money is spent outsourcing work to or securing goods from China. Sometimes they specify the contractors, but very often they just encourage the flow of capital into China through any avenue.

Ehhh, why it’s not a thing in V2 then?

Basic free sets in V2


Because they hadn’t decided to cut costs in order to satisfy the idiot shareholders yet. Now they have. That’s basically the story of literally every product or company that shows declining quality. Sooner or later some bright spark of a MBA decides to take an axe to something important because number must go up.


Now they have.

But again, they add premium cosmetics to V2, why they cut it with DT only?

The whole situation they went for Game Pass, player retention mechanics worse than in V1/V2, cosmetics are poorely done - that looks for me like they are slaves of shareholders now. Also, chinese outsource company making assets for them is a strange coinsedence. This all is stinky even for Fatshark.

So for me it looks like they have an agreement to bring some profit to investors, and before that they can’t touch anything (doubt they will after, even if it so, lol)


The rate of profit always decreases over time, but for a company to attract investors it must always keep increasing the rate of time . . . it’s a trap that ruins many things.


The amazing thing is that DT cosmetics have to be some of the more expensive cosmetic-only MX out there. Bethesda horse armour is peanuts compared to these prices. And on top of that there are the quality issues.

Fatshark - have someone play, I dunno, Warframe or something. Sure, with current prices you can milk your “whales”, but you’ll anger pretty much everyone else. Have MXs that are actually approachable and more people might actually partake and open their wallets.


And the crazy part? Despite all these quality issues people seemingly keep buying these things.
Its insane to me that to kit 4 characters with some mtx, i could probably buy baldurs gate, helldivers, last epoch and probably still have some cash to spare.
Like are you truly arguing fatshark that these cosmetics are worth the price of multiple games?


what i see Fatshark and their chinese overlords trying to sell me low effort skins:


Nobody hates 40k more than Adia!

i cant hear or see “alas alas”, without imagining an incredibly thick Scottish accent.

I am reposting this here for clarity’s sake.
But it appears some of the Vermintide 2 cosmetics were outsourced as well albeit to two different companies: Plan A and ENTANGLED Studio.


And looking at the pictures they have on the Adia website, it definitely looks competent, although I would wish to see a full portfolio. But my point is that they don’t seem to lack the capacity or talents to produce a 1:1 recreation out of the warhammer source material. So the problem would seem to come from somewhere else, perhaps management?

I definitely agree that it might be cheaper as in it costs less for Fatshark to have them produced by Adia.
But I don’t think the lack of quality is because Adia can’t physically produce anything that would look good, but rather because they are told to: “do whatever” and so they just do. In general it’s safe to say someone in the pipeline doesn’t care.
Granted this is pure speculation, I sure do wish I had more info on the topic.

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Take this with a grain of salt, but I’ve talked to a guy who claimed to have worked on MTX skins for Darktide (he is a freelance artist from my country), and he said that they’ve made so much items before the game’s release, it would be enough to run FOMO shop for “many years to come”.

So it’s not surprising to see 90% of premium cosmetics being either just bad or outright overpriced recolored garbo.

When pure cosmetics are starting to out price their previous games DLC you know they lost their way.


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