Gonna leave my 2 cents here:
I don’t think the Veteran is in a good place, but i need to caveat this.
I think the Veteran is a discount Zealot now. At least in Damnation and above, the gameplay of the game disincentivises people to stand and shoot. It swamps you with melee enemies all around. The increase of the HP of enemies has lead to the Infantry Lasgun feeling weak.
And if i want to really perform well, i have to basically play it like my Zealot.
I started out playing this game as Veteran. It was the class i wanted to play and why i was excited for Darktide. My friends love melee, and i want ranged. Which is why we transitioned from Vermintide 2 to Darktide. It offers both of us a compromise. Used to be my “Zealot” friend, who loves being super aggressive in melee, hated playing his Veteran, precisely because the Veteran was Ranged focused and he isn’t good with ranged. He is more the spray and pray kind of guy.
Since the Class rework he enjoys playing Veteran, because the Veteran now plays more like the Zealot. With Voice of Command and a Plasmagun instead of the Revolver. And if the goal was to open up the Veteran to other players, then i guess the rework succeeded.
Meanwhile… i am not happy anymore. Veteran went from my favorite class to my least favorite class. I made a thread about wanting the Devs to show us how Veteran is meant to be played a while back, because i don’t think the Veteran works anymore. At least not as Marksman.
Now, mind you… i am using the Scoreboard and so i have an idea about my performance on average. And i am doing fine as a Marksman. When i want to have “fun”, i play my Veteran with a Marksman build and a Helbore. And when i say… Fun i mean, challenge myself.
Executioner’s Stance is a joke now. I don’t think i am a terrible player. Dunning Kruger and all that, i know… but before the Class Change i was able to keep the Volley Fire Streak going quite a while. I legit did all of the Veteran Penances. What I am trying to say is: I don’t think i am bad at being a Veteran, but i find it impossible in the new situation to keep the Streak going for the Executioner’s stance. I just never have the “peace” to stand there and keep shooting stuff. I mean, i tried making Relentless work, but there simply is no situation on Damnation where i have more than 10 seconds of peace and quiet.
I would have to actively have teammates protect me from harm to keep the streak going for more than 10 seconds, so i don’t need to swap back to melee. Without the buff to the Bayonet of the Helbore, that weapon would be absolutely unusable by now.
And i found that the only way i can make Marksman work is in combination with Infiltrate and Low Profile. Infiltration allows me the chance to draw the Helbore and snipe a Special in the distance. Something i can’t do with Executioner’s stance.
And i used the Executioner’s stance with a Recon lasgun, because the stance itself is pointless. I mean, there is no reason for me not to have maximum uptime. There is no opportunity cost to it. No situation where i would want to wait to use it. I don’t get ammo back, i don’t get toughness from using it… there is absolutely no reason not to go for maximum uptime and use it as a hyper aggressive playstyle.
I also do not understand why the Executioner’s stance is on the left side of the tree. In my opinion Infiltrate and Executioner’s stance should swap places. Infiltrate and Low Profile allow you to be immobile and actually build the stacks for standing still on Mark’sman Focus.
I do not see how Infiltrate gels well with the Weapon’s Specialist Keystone either, but at the same time Executioner’s Stance seems to favor hyper aggressive playstyle, which would benefit from Onslaught and the like, so you can better use small rapid fire weapons.
I am fine with the Center Tree, which seems about team support, but I also don’t think the center Tree has an identity of its own. I feel its more something you dip into, than focus on.
So while i can make Marksman Focus work for me, even on Auric, i feel like it’s much more work. It’s a much higher skill floor with zero benefits, and if i would be fine with having a 2nd Zealot, i wouldn’t bother doing this.
And if i really need to play “seriously”, i will not play Marksman either. That is where i go weapon’s specialist and Plasma Gun. Voice of Command. That is when i play a discount Zealot, because that is where the survivability of the class is. Where i don’t need to constantly be on the look out for that spot of calm in any given mission. A spot of calm that rarely exists in the Horde Chambers, which is where i am even as Marksman basically forced into the Melee Role.
I know people complained a lot about the old Camouflage, and i am also not quite sure why the Marksman Focus keystone has an Camouflage offshot, that doesn’t seem to do anything but give stacks for standing still. I would have loved, if that would have given threat reduction. Like at 10 stacks you have 90% threat reduction. So you could actually stand and shoot, then the Executioner’s stance might work…
I honestly feel the Veteran lost its identity. And it’s not that i can’t force it to perform as a Veteran, but no other class makes me feel like the game actively fights me in performing what i think the class was meant to be.
Maybe it is my mistake to assume that the Veteran is supposed to be the Ranged Focused class, despite all the Talent’s focusing on ranged damage. But it certainly doesn’t feel like the game wants me to play Ranged Focused.
Can i make the Veteran work? Sure. I can play discount Zealot and perform well… or i can really struggle to do well as a Marksman.
I also don’t understand why there is no ammo based equivalent for Shock Trooper, or why Shock Trooper is limited to Las weapons. As much as i am happy for near infinite ammo on my Helbore… i don’t understand why you don’t want me to use the Headhunter in the same way. I’d love to take the Headhunter Autoguns for a spin much more often, but quite frankly the game also disincentivizes me from doing so. Not only do they have poor ammo pools but also my Veteran has Talents that actively want me to use Laser weaponry.
Anyway, i am not happy with where the Veteran is right now. I mean, i can make it work, but it’s an uphill battle… and a lot of weapons don’t feel like they work anymore. And i see no reason to fight an uphill battle as Melee Veteran, when i can do the same stuff, but better, on my Zealot. There is just no reason to play Veteran right now. The Ranged Stuff doesn’t really work… and the Melee experience is better with the other 3 classes. I rather go play Melee Psyker and gun Psyker than play Veteran. Especially with Scrier’s Gaze and Disrupt Destiny… i feel like my performance is just as good as with my Veteran, although i have less ammo. But i also have more utility in that i have a more useful Blitz. Sure, i have no Helbore, but i can use the Headhunter Autogun and still snipe people or use a Recon Lasgun with Scrier’s Gaze.
And if i want to play Melee Focused both my Ogryn and my Zealot have me covered. Where i also feel Ogryn is in a real good place right now (just needs more weapon variety), and the Zealot is the same unkillable goodness it always was.
So, it’s not that i can’t perform with the Veteran… it is more a question: Why do the uphill battle, when there are 3 alternative Classes that seem to do what the Veteran does right now, just as well if not better.
Which is why i don’t feel the Veteran is in a good place.