Here is the 3rd random feedback on random stuff some things I mentioned in previous posts has been changed and fixed.
Stub revolver staged reload: when reloading and ejecting out all the bullets, switiching out mid reload and back to it, all the bullets are in the cylinder needing to be ejected out again.
Characters weapons clips through walls when near them (this is also in vermintide 2, so maybe an engine limitation).
Heavy stubber when the reloads starts you can see all the ammo in the drum even if reloading with 0 bullets.
Ogryn ripper gun has more recoil when crouch firing and also has a larger crossair.
Ripper gun 6 feel more accurate at range than ripper gun 5 this is counter to the description of the ripper gun 6 that says it is more accurate than other ripper guns.
Mk 2 Ripper gun looks like the couched and standing recoil and crossairs are the same. Braced fire feels the most accurate of all the Mk of ripper guns.
Mk2 Ripper gun sometimes shoots only 1 shell in braced mode.
One of the teeth on the eviscerator clips through the backside of the weapon.
Cannot use āIā to go to inventory in phykarium.
The push attack on the catachan sword Mk1 is the same as the second light attack string.
Braced autogun special attack cannot be done when the magazine is empty and the reloading starts.
Special attack on the psyker staffs do too little about of damage.
The force sword should get the 4% perils on push and increase the stagger distance on the push attack to 4.5m again, but I know some people prefer how it is now.
Missions feel less unique than vermitides as no missions have unique mechanics.
Ripper gun bayonet should do more damage (or at least scale with weapon damage), should be able to one shot trash enemies on at least the 3rd difficulty.
Ogryn grenade changed to two grenades per pick up feels weird as you throw the whole box, I think it will maybe be better that you can instead throw the box a few times before it breaking, but this is subjective change as the current version is ok.