Question about "+##% damage to Un/Flak/Carapace-Armoured enemies"

So, what constitues a carapace-armoured enemy? Am I doing +20% damage against only the carapace-armoured parts of that enemy? If so, then it’s completely worthless in this case. Or, if I hit a Mauler’s unarmoured (or is it flak?) thigh, am I still doing that bonus damage because they have carapace on their head?

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Maulers, Crushers, the armored parts of Reapers, etc. Big metal armor.

Am I doing +20% damage against only the carapace-armoured parts of that enemy?


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I briefly tested it in meatgrinder and it would seem that way - what a shame. The vast majority of ranged weapons, that’s gonna be an extra 20% of a single-digit number, which amounts to very little against the health pool of crushers and such for the ammo you’d spend.

It should be something like ignore 20% of carapace protection instead (except bulwark shield), so you’re doing that much closer to full damage against a carapace enemy. Wording on it could do with clarification as well.

It’s not the way these traits ever worked historically.
Ignore 20% is too powerful (might be a blessing).
You have to watch out for bad traits: e.g. carapace dmg buff does absolutely nothing if your weapon deals no dmg to carapace.
And that’s why bonus critcal % is so good - it just works on everything.