Psyker Keystone: Disrupt Destiny

Has anyone been enjoying or having luck using this keystone? Honestly I want to say that I’ve been very green and curious about it for a long time, used it in multiple builds that I thought were doing pretty well, but all the while I noticed I never could tell when Disrupt Destiny would be affecting an enemy target or when I was being buffed after killing one of those affected targets…So I ask you…
How do others feel.
Can someone explain or give me a screen capture or something of when it is actually going off or a target is affected?
Maybe I’m missing something.

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The new Disrupt Destiny keystone is incredibly fun and even more powerful than before, with 1 caveat I will get to in a second.

A target is Marked by disrupt destiny when it is highlighted in a light blue. You will be able to see them through walls and other enemies. It can only mark certain enemies: Human elites such as Ragers, Maulers, Shotgunners and Gunners, normal shooters, and bruisers (cultists or soldiers who have melee weapons). It CANNOT target Ogryns, specialists (stuff like bombers, trappers, etc.) and horde enemies.

FS screwed up the UI in this update. Sometimes you will not see buffs pop up on your buff bar when they should. You can either use mods to fix this, or simply not worry about stacks and play like normal. If you play like normal, take lingering influence (10 second degradation on stacks) instead of perfectionism (25 max stacks).

Disrupt Destiny is a Keystone that you should always put at least 3 points into, getting the main node, either of the 2 nodes I mentioned, and than the weakspot grants 3 stacks node.

If you want screenshots or builds I use with it let me know.

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How can you enjoy this braindead character?
We had a psyker with a venting shriek in an auric damnation maelstrom with no ammo pickups and mostly melee scabs. Holy excrement, psyker players are getting carried by Fatshark developers themselves.
Even Ogryn players put some effort into their gameplay.

Disrupt Destiny with a gun is the main way I play Psyker and the way I find the most enjoyment out of the class. It’s a very engaging build style and unlike a playstyle that have had on either Veteran or Zealot. While I agree that Psyker definitely needs to have a shakeup happen for the tree, Scryer’s Gaze and Disrupt Destiny are right where they need to be (maybe revert the Scryer cooldown buff it got this patch).


ye its for gun psykers


You don’t JUST have to be a Gunker though. Especially with the DD change you can dive pretty deep into hordes with some massive damage. You are still a glass cannon, which is actually why I think I’ve had so much fun with it. The damage output is insane, but you have to play extremely well or you will be put into the dirt fast.

It’s a very satisfying build because of that nature.

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I like DD with my crit voidstrike build. It sucks dumping all your warp charges to use Scrier’s Gaze.

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Yes I re tried it out last night with a VS strike build. It’s still very strong but staff builds are still incredibly boring so I only played it once, doubt I will pick it up again.

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