Background “Disrupt Destiny” is a Psyker Keystone that may randomly mark enemies with a teal outline, and killing them in time grants a stacking bonus. It’s benefits and shortcomings have been discussed in other threads, like Disrupt Destiny too punishing to play with or Make Disrupt Destiny More Like Warp Charges?.
Playing my Gun Psyker yesterday, I wondered why I was having such difficulty targeting the enemies marked by Disrupt Destiny with my Headhunter Rifle.
Now, I wish I could say that the sights on most guns aren’t horrible, which they are, but I actually noticed that I would target an enemy with the regular crosshair, then ADS and immediately fire, or else walk my fire towards an enemy’s head based on impacts, with a semi-auto precision rifle.
Then it occurred to me that the Rifle’s front post wasn’t just bad, it was actually not visible.
Turns out that the target outline for Disrupt Destiny is not only sometimes missing, and conveniently the same colour as soul fire, but the function of it being visible through walls also makes it visible through your weapon while aiming down sights.
Yes, it’s nice I can always see the marked target, but this makes it really difficult to aim.
I would much prefer if the target outlines would not overlay the weapon graphic, or at least not the iron sights onm ranged weapons.
And be a different colour, say, purple.