I unfortunately had to leave my house and be involved in a social function(horrible I know) tonight so I wasn’t able to play more then one game with the new patch.
How are we feeling now with the changes? The single game I played post patch, it felt like I had much more control over my Peril gauge then before. It still feels like Fatshark is narrowing us down to spamming MB to allow w/e play style we have chosen to actually be useful but at least Peril can be cooled off much faster which makes me feel like I can be more useful.
I think they just need to implement something simple like changing their core passive to grant warp charges, with a guaranteed chance for brain burst and a lesser chance for any other warp kill. Much of the class revolves around warp charges but it’s very reliant on manually casting brain burst.
Feels about the same - if not worse - than it did in the beta-beta. The on-use F ability is feels horrible to use and is near useless as a utility - ignoring the ability to sink perils - and now it feels like we can cast even less before we hit full perils. Sure its easier to cool off perils now but its still feels worse than just letting psykers rip with magic and actually have fun with their few useful abilities.
Friends that played vermintide warned me that Fatshark struggle to make magic classes feel good to play and holy hell do I see what they meant.