Psyker is just not fun to play right now. Peril gains too quickly, peril drains too slowly, the ult is lackluster, and by level 12 I havent seen a single force staff.
I don’t feel like I’m accomplishing much with brain burst, whereas in the CBT I KNEW I was being helpful. It seems like the current gameplay loop is
- struggle to use my class mechanics before everyone else just shoots the elites/specials
- use ult because I have so much peril so fast
- struggle to use my class mechanics before everyone else just shoots the elites/specials
- have to take a break to reduce peril by hiding behind cover
- get attacked by mobs that make no sound running up behind me
- say screw it and spam heavy sweeping attacks to cleave through the hordes
This just…isn’t fun. Do things get better after I get a force staff? From what I’m reading elsewhere, it sure doesn’t sound like it.
I’m honestly probably going to just play another class, Psyker feels like a waste of my time and the time of anyone I play with.