I loved the pysker in the beta, casting BB using force sword when they got close and hurling warp energy on the heretics, but now the class is nerfed to the absolute core. I could deal with one less head pop but the amount of peril forcesword generates puts me in danger more than the actual enemies! The Staves are honestly a walking death sentence to use if you want to be effective and have fun.
I get you wanted to spice up the gameplay from just popping heads none stop but coming from a Sienna main, i want to use magic it’s soooo cool! If i wanted to shoot people none stop i would have spent money on the new Call of Duty instead of your game.
The pysker was in a good place in the closed beta, please revert these changes it’s really put me off the game which i have been looking forward to that much i even splashed out and bought a new GPU just so i could play as the Psyker.
Please revert the changes and whilst you’re at it the old Peril UI was so much cooler than the new one.
All of the spells feel atrocious to use, the on-use F ability I always forget the name of is legitimately useless outside of its ability to sink perils (WHICH IT ONLY SINKS 50^% OF NOW BECAUSE ???)
All of the perks are so minor in their utility as to be basically useless
Brain Burst (literally should have just called it smite) takes my entire life to cast and takes multiple charges on anything other than the most basic enemies - essentially rendering it useless due to the cast time.
Perils is more aggressively punishing than most countries’ judicial system; only allowing 2 BB casts before you’re getting your brain tickled by tentacles
The Force Sword special ability is useless, period.
The staves are, as aforementioned, essentially the wielder just asking for death (justifyably)
And then to cap it all off: the unfathomably stupid weapon restrictions just prevent you from running any weapons that might help alleviate any of the above issues.
I just… I wanted so much better, and I and many others gave feedback on this in the closed beta and they literally went in the opposite direction; nerfing Psykers into absolute uselessness.
Why even host a beta if you’re just going to ignore the feedback and do the opposite?
There is one major problem with psyker, and a couple niggling problems. For now, I just want to focus on the major problem.
Psykinetic is an atrociously designed class. It was awful in the prior beta as well, for much the same reason. Why? Literally every bit of synergy with Psyker, except 2 optional talents, revolve around Brain Burst. 1 talent, level 15, 4% chance on any kill by anyone within cohesion to grants a warp charge. The second, 10% chance on any hit to activate a brain burst.
Psyker as a class is dominated by brain burst, and brain burst itself is an absolutely niche skill. It is awful to even consider using brain burst for most combat, yet the game expects the player to either waste a talent point (locking out other options) or to brain burst every 25 seconds trying to pop more and more heads.
Why is the class so heavily dominated by this niche skill? Why does everything revolve around it? It wasn’t even a good skill back in October, but it was nerfed. I can only imagine it was nerfed because they saw every psyker running it in october, but I imagine every psyker did that because, you know, psykers didn’t have staves until level 10. What a shock.
Psyker has atrocious design, it desperately needs the structure of the class kit completely overhauled and refocused to generic warp abilities, and the class seriously needs to start with a staff. Being an awful marksman for 10 levels is just not good gameplay.