Pre Release beta not working

I am re-installing , hopefully that will fix it

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Re-install did not work. here is the log. console-2019-08-06-22.18.54-c96117c7-1c58-45a6-8f85-98dc6fbfc4d1.log (93.3 KB)

Thank you for being willing to help, hopefully julia or hedge will know what to do.

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update: I can bypass the black screen problem by turning on Controller menu layout(beta). I don’t know why, I am on pc and do not have a controller plugged in. it is a different menu than i am used to and would like the normal one back, but at least i can select a mission now. I hope this might give some clues on what the issue is.

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Okri’s and load screens still not working tho

weave athanor screens blacked out too

This is a known issue - we’re looking in to it. Apologies for the inconvenience.

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I played both WoM betas with no problem, but the recent prerelease update seems to have caused this exact problem on my machine and at least one other person who spoke up today during the live stream pre-release “play with the devs” session. Any idea what’s causing it? It seems like the background animation was altered and it destabilized all the stationary interactive screens and only kept the animated ones working.