Power Sword: Same Power, More Sword

Problems with Power Sword, summarized.

1.) Continually activating the special is inconvenient (Makes Power Cycler mandatory).
2.) There is no incentive to use unpowered swings (Half the weapon’s function is moot).

Possible Solution.

The special is now a toggle, between powered and unpowered mode (as it should be). Powered mode is more effective against Unarmored, Carapace and Flak, and has its cleave unchanged. Unpowered is more effective against Infested, Unyielding and Maniac and has more Impact.

(The lore reason, should you need one, is that these folks simply don’t realize they’ve had their atoms sliced. Something something space magic, something something grandpa Nurgle.)

New Power Cycler

Gain a movement speed boost on Elite/Specialist powered kill. Tier increases the duration of the boost. (For the pun, if nothing else)

NOTE: This suggestion was not made to address whether the Power Sword is “Too Powerful”, I do not wish to get into the weeds of weapon balance, only to address the problems listed in Section 1.


just revert patch 14 buffs and give back the 3 power swings with no blessing

5 swings with T3 Power Cycler

7 swings with T4

and you wind up with a pre patch 7 power sword which is still the nerfed version of the original that had unlimited cleave on the first heavy energyzed attack of the combo

there shouldn’t be, its a power weapon, the incentive should be to use it powered, or else you would just better off just using a catachian sword, the unpowered strikes are not meant to be strong unless you just want to stagger quickly some mobs that came too close so you can activate your sword more safely

having to spam the special activation is just fatshark way to balance the fact it does more damage than the rest

but since the weapon should feel great regardless i would suggest giving up patch 14 damage buffs for more quality of life when using it

mobs have more hp now it would just be fair this way

if they make me use my power sword unpowered most of the times i would be very upset, even if it would hit like an illisi


I disagree with the notion that Power Weapons should only be used in the Powered state. But if that were the case, wouldn’t a better implementation be to have the vet automatically activate the powered state when unholstering the weapon (like the safety on the Helbore)? Then there would be no unpowered state at all, and the special could be a stab or something.

Then if they wanted to reduce the DPS, they could just reduce the attack speed to compensate. With the special being a low-damage high-stagger attack that comes out quickly, it would serve the same quick-stagger purpose as the unpowered attacks do now.

That would seem to be a less annoying way to accomplish the same goal, no?

i’m just fond of the original concept i just think it was neat, i would trade some damage for smoothness

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Here’s a better solution :
keep the damage how it is now for both modes.
Like you said, turn it into a toggle and simply add a battery to the powered mode, just like
peril/overheat except in reverse. Having it activated drains the battery slowly, and hitting stuff uses more battery, lets say 5 swings, 6-7 with blessings. and the recharge should be very slow, making this weapon very situational and not able to use it all the time like it was pre-nerf. But when you do pull it out, its actually very fun to use instead of annoying because you’ve to activate it every bloody swing.

Hot take:

I think adding power weapons to DT was essentially a mistake, because the whole point of power weapons is that they are ultimatevely superior to conventional melee weapons. This leads to situations in which they are either:

  1. overpowered
  2. underpowered or have some niche gimmicky use and must rely on being switched on for every hit, which is not how they funcion in the lore.

The only suggestion I can think of is to make power attacks a toggle and make it cost battery charges, or even ammo.

I agree that the 1 is a problem.
The 2 is wrong. You can kill groaners with unpowered swings.

Hmm… no.
The powered swing is really strong.

Well, you really don’t care of balance… now, I can see how much you don’t care of that.

This, can be a solution.

I agree also with this solution. But, if it is a battery, there’s a need to decide how you recharge it. With ammos packs? only one battery for the mission?
This last, one battery for the entire mission, could balance a lot of things.
But I would prefer that it is always powered.

Anyways, power cycler must be changed to something NOT related to the number of swings. This blessing is totally mandatory, even more than brutal momentum on the combat axe. And that’s something really wrong.

Patch 14

je veux dire sacrifier tout ça

I was thinking it would recharge automatically but simply very very slowly. (maybe with a blessing that increase the recharge rate when you do certain action)
While sharing ammo with ranged weapons might turn out well it might also turn out horribly considering the poll i made some time ago and most people agreeing that too many people are too careless with ammo pickups.

But maybe… Just maybe if we’re going with ammo road, how about creating a new pickup? That only works for power weapons. But then again having a pickup for just 2(?) weapons sounds a bit ridiculous. Yeah i guess you could also make it work for chain weapons but then reworking alot of weapons for the sake of just the power sword which might anger alot of people doesnt sound like a good idea.
Im just throwing spaghetti at the wall at this point.

and you did not wonder why they did it? 7 swings with a powered sword and with same power (DPS) from this weapon. This would not be OP, this clearly far above overpowered. All what I say is that I did not realize how much you totally don’t care of the balance concept.
btw, and maybe you did not know, you can hide details like that (wheel button of the top bar):

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Must say that it would work in term of gameplay… but it sounds a little disconnected of any reality.
The blessing that increase the recharge would be a bad idea in my mind. We would return to power cycler equivalent and so mandatory.

In fact, I like the idea of one battery for the entire mission. Cause it can balance everything. You could even make it more powerful, it would still be balanced as you could not use it all the time.

It works for blades of faith, but I would say that I would find this not really greeat.


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you don’t even understand French then, that’s not what i said

Patch 14 (the one i quoted from the patch notes) was a huge buff for power swords, but you still act as if it was a nerf

i know this notion might be shoking to you, but they actually BUFFED power swords

and i say to revert patch 14 buff , which means, nerf to the damage, in favor of more swings without having to reactivate the sword, which is just an annoyance, it doesn’t really affect the DPS all that much

but it should not come to a surprise that you are being unreasonable just for the sake of it

I quote yourself…

I can agree the PS is too strong. But it was already before patch 14
And 3 powered swings was too much.

finally, you are still being unreasonable, but at least we understood each others

At first, all weapons have got a power boost in this patch. There are few weapons where several values have been reduced.
But, the problem is not that, and I said it. It is your proposition to revert to the time where we could hit 3 powered swings. You would want 5 with PC III and 7 with PC IV. That’s far too much. And that’s what I said.

Even with the revert of patch 14 changes… this is far to much

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its an argument that i respect, but you can’t say i’m being unreasonable with my trade

Power swings… 7 ? unreasonnable.

See the difference.
Let’s compare

The increase is 150% between non powered and powered swing before this patch and 120% after.

We have actually at most 3 swings. You propose to up that to 7 swings.
So you propose that we change this (assuming 80% dmg stat and PC IV):
200/200/200/60/60/60/60 = 840
To this:
150/150/150/150/150/150/150 = 1 050

So yes, unreasonable, you ask for a buff.

before spending half a second to do the special? that’s silly

wait something is wrong, what is this?

this is surreal, you don’t do that in practice

it would be fair to assume you loose 1 attack when you activate your sword

so its more like



That’s true. Usually we see players wanted to power again their sword… And sometimes putting themselves in danger instead of trying to kill the groaner with an unpowered swing

And no, you loose at least 2.
So 200 x 5 to compare to what I quoted.
So again a buff. Especially if you consider that you will never have to manage the time needed to power again the sword.

So a big buff (buffs are not just in term of damages, i ve said it to you in the past days)

Edit: i stop here. And let others post, as the discussion is not about our points of view. The topic is about the power swords

yes if you are biased toward something you can always adjust your data to fit your argument

i did use power sword back when i could do 7 swings, and its not like i would always land all 7 of the row, and i might reactivate the special wasting some swings

not to mention it would deactivate any time you get hit by something

when you kill enemies it takes time for others to fill the gap aswell, if you take everything in consideration you’d know that nerfing the damage would be far greater than increasing the number of swings each activation

besides, they increased also the damage per armor type of special attacks, by +25% Unyelding and by +75% to Carapace

i’m willing to sacrifice that aswell of course, just to make this weapon usable

IDK I like the activation mechanic of Powersword. Personally I hope they bring back 2 active strikes naturally (or even three) so Power Cycler isn’t an instant pick. There are so many interesting blessing on PS, and it’s a shame that we can’t run combos.

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