Positive feedback: Auric & shared character wallets is fantastic

I’ve taken a huge break from the game due to frustration with other systems, I’ve slowly been coming back to check things out with recent updates, especially with the October patch.

Auric is so much fun it’s wild. I had a good time in damnation when I played, but the adrenaline of auric & maelstrom has made it so now every other game feel lifeless in comparison to me. Absolute blast.

I also really love the shared wallets, because now I feel I can freely change between characters. My Zealot was being a little neglected, so after playing a bunch with my Ogryn, I swapped over and was able to use all those resources to get some better gear for my Zealot - something I wouldn’t have wanted to do with the previously silo’d systems.

I know I’ve been a pretty critical, negative nancy but I wanted to give credit where it’s due. These additions are incredibly good and I’m having a great time again.


As it happens I also did my first runs after some 4-6 months or so hiatus and I agree auric/maelstrom is the type of adrenaline that got hooked me into this series in the first place.
Still not sold on crafting and some other systems but at least its better now.


yeah, crafting still isn’t where I’d like it to be. I do feel being able to pick your 2 blessings does make it way better than it used to be, but I would prefer it if we had more control like they said in the original crafting blog. I’ve said it in other topics, but I’m pretty optimistic that it may receive a rehaul at some point - Catfish in the devblog said that they’ll keep looking at it, and they are rehauled the classes so I don’t see why they wouldn’t do the crafting as well. I’m optimistic, but I fully expect that if they do, then it will take quite a while.

I also still don’t like the mission select. With the variety of Auric, damnation and other stuff most of my issues are…somewhat, remedied? But I still think there should be a mode where if you have a private game with a pre-made, you should be able to craft your missions. Pick the biome, pick the level, pick the difficulty, pick the modifier(s). Let us play what we want.

The server lag with hitreg is also an issue - I started playing Thammer with my zealot and man does it just suck my soul away from me when I land a fully thrust powered up heavy attack and it just not reg.

With those additional things then I’d be thrilled. With the class rework - provided it goes well, I feel I’m definitely swapping back to recommending the game.

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