Shared Currencies & a baseline weapon rating at max level is really what I need now & other misc thoughts - Came back after a break

Heyo, took a break. Saw the latest update and some friends wanted to play, so figured I’d join. Haven’t played for a while. Overall I feel the game is in a much better place than it used to be, which is great to see. I still have a couple big issues though that hopefully can be addressed at some point.

Game itself feels better to play than when I left, so that was nice. Things felt less janky and it just felt like things were working as intended so I had a good time. So good job, the best part of the game got even better so that was cool to see. I was mildly frustrated to see that I still couldn’t pick what levels I wanted at what difficulty, but at least the increased number of available missions meant my group and I didn’t play the same levels again and again which is what used to happen. Although we did want to try some of the new conditions, but none were available so we couldn’t try those which is too bad. Kinda feel like there should at least be the chance to choose whatever conditions you want if your game is private. I feel that if the lobby is private, we should be able to pick whatever we want.

The crafting locking perks and blessings still isn’t particularly what I would have liked, and I definitely don’t like how I’m max level, Brunt’s Armory is still selling me garbage. It’s just very frustrating that I’m spending money on weapons that I’m just not going to use because their stats are terrible. I suppose there’s an argument that maybe they have good blessings and is cheaper to consecrate to check. But then I feel that it’s not worth my time to try. I’d spend my time to get resources, to upgrade a garbage weapon to see if it has good blessings - but if it doesn’t, then it’s just an absolute waste of time. I’ve achieved nothing, I’m back at square 1. This doesn’t feel good. This doesn’t make me want to engage with the system. It doesn’t feel meaningful. Why would I want to engage in a system that there’s a decent chance that the outcome was just 100% wasted time? Doesn’t make sense.

I like that Melk’s blessings are above average and that the weeklies aren’t nearly as irritating anymore - so lean into that. It would feel so much better if Brunt’s sells me something between 350-380, IE, always actually useable at the difficulties I want to play at, then keep an eye on Melk’s for blessings I may want. Removing that first layer of RNG would help a lot because then I don’t feel like my time is wasted immediately after hitting the buy button.

The other thing that’s still just killing me is the lack of shared currencies. I really, really dislike that if I play my Ogryn, I don’t feel like I’m progressing in Darktide - I’m just progressing this character. It feels claustrophobic. I loved that in VT2 that if I was playing one character, I felt like I was making overall progress because I could take some of that progression and jump right to another character. It was freeing and encouraged me to play more because I’d want to play all the characters. If I was getting a little tired of playing Kruber, I knew I could jump right into Bardin and that would be a seamless transition. Because when you play one character, you progress the game as a whole.

Right now I don’t want to play my veteran or psyker at all, because they’re all out of currencies and I know I’d have to start from the bottom again. I want the Dockets, Crafting Materials, and Melkbucks to be shared because that actually makes me want to play more of the characters - and in turn makes me want to play more of the game in general. Even if maybe I’m not interested in playing my Veteran, I would know that playing them for the weeklies would get me more Melkbucks and currencies would help with my other characters so I’d be more inclined to do so. Right now my interest is at 0, which isn’t ideal for long-term game engagement.

Anyway, hope posting my thoughts here helps adds to the voice of these issues which means they’ll be addressed at some point.


The entire system for crafting and items and siloed class inventories and ressources just does not encourage player to play different characters or try out different builds and weapons and this. It all feels like a waste of time, and when they invenvitably release new classes (which they will monetize) I won’t have any incentive to buy them since it will just be more grind and frustration and getting more worthless weapons you can’t customize thanks to the locks.


You are daring to criticize the Ineffable Design. Fatshark shall persevere through all this negativity because they are made of the Right Stuff. Unlike the players.

Edited: I really appreciate whoever flags my posts, but I would prefer to know the reasons. Of course, if you are a CM, please let me know so that I can just leave the forum.

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heresey /s

Huge same plus need the removal of perk/blessing locks, literally the only way to save the game unless they make the gore 500 times better lol


This is very true and I didn’t think of that.

Even if they would be free, I’m genuinely unsure if I’d want to spend the time to get them back from 0-30, starting with 0 currencies and have none of the progress I make with them apply to my other characters. The locks atm for me are very frustrating but not a complete dealbreaker, but the RNG of getting a base level weapon on top of the locks is too much.

If these systems stay the same, new characters won’t do anything for me because you’re right. That grind from the ground up again would be a nightmare.

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Yeah, same. I currently only play Ogryn and Veteran and I am already getting tired of the current systems, I can’t imagine I’ll try out any new classes, no matter how interesting they sound.

I’m already losing interest in playing Darktide after taking a long break during January and February and most of March because as much as I want to try more builds and more weapons, or more classes, the current system makes it very difficult and very annoying to do.


the current not shared inventory system makes you feel punished for starting new character. this is psychologically bad design.

the only reason i am still playing myself is the fact that i love the gore in the game and that few days back i got nice emperors gift so i am trying new build now :wink:

now imagine FS… how many new builds could I try if I could make totally new character and weapons without feeling like I am being punished by starting new class, which effectively removed 300h+ of effort i put into grind already.

ironic is that they understood that for blessings (they are shared account wide) but not for inventory and resources…


Aquillas are also shared account wide. I wonder why that is… :wink:


It’s the Ineffable Design, what else?

Edited: I really appreciate whoever flags my posts, but I would prefer to know the reasons. Of course, if you are a CM, please let me know so that I can just leave the forum.

Yeah experienced this the other day. I wanted to give the new shotguns a shot, but then I couldn’t find one at a decent base rating. So, do I get a sub-par one and get an incorrect impression of it as I’m learning it? Or just not play it at all?

The fact that those were my 2 options is just so disappointing. Never in a million years did I think I would ever miss the VT2 crafting, yet here we are. In VT2 when a new weapon came out, I could get a good, useable one within seconds, and then optimize it later. This made me want to try new things because I could whenever I wanted. Darktide doesn’t make me want to try new things because I have to hope I’ll be lucky to get something useable in the first place. THEN I have to be lucky for it to be great. I don’t like it but I could survive if one of those things was gone - preferably both. But if I could guarantee a good weapon to begin with and had to get lucky to make it great, okay. If I had to get lucky to get a good weapon first but then could guarantee it’ll be great, okay. Both? No, it’s too much. Why would I want to try any new weapon if I had to do this song & dance literally every time? In VT2, if I got tired of a weapon, I could swap to one I never tried before right away and be viable to practice and try it out. This made me want to, you know. Keep playing the game.

In this, when I get tired of what I’m currently doing, my natural reaction is to stop. Which isn’t what anyone wants. Which makes it even more frustrating that Fatshark just doesn’t seem to be listening to the absolute outpouring of feedback about this for the last few months. Alright, fine. I won’t play your game and buy your DLC. How about that?


Sound perfectly reasonable to me. I’m not picking it up again until I feel confident it won’t waste too much of my time with silly “progression” systems.

If that day doesn’t come, I won’t pick it back up, and if I do pick it back up I’m already way less inclined to spend more money on DT. Currently I’m strongly leaning towards not teying out Sienna’s (4th) career, simply because I don’t feel like feeding the (obese) beast, and that’s coming from someome who purchased quite a few premium cosmetics without ever using them, just to support the studio and continued content for VT2.

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Yeah, in the current state I’m not going to spend anything else on Darktide. It’s not even a protest, just me being exhausted of the progression system and not seeing any point to get anything for a game that I’ll have a burnout on.


agreed, i myself am finding it hard to boot up the game,
i now just use the Armoury Exchange Plug to check if the shops have what i want.
the only thing bringing me back once a week is friends playing, but sadly this is starting to get old as many just dont like how hard it is to get the weapons they want and need.

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