Please let us play all of your game

I’ve got 300 hours in DT, 1000+ penance points, all characters are level 30, I regular win High Intensity Damnation games with friends. What I want to do now is try different builds and play styles. I want to experience all the richness of the game you’ve made. But you won’t let me.

You’ve made all these weapons and blessings and I want to try them! I want to try combining different perks, blessings, feats, and ranged/melee combinations. I want to play all of your game. The game you spent a ton of time and effort making. But you won’t let me.

Every day I check the store a few times, see if there’s a reasonable weapon (base stats) I can insert into the Omnissiah slot machine, and pull the handle. I almost always lose. No new build for you today. Maybe tomorrow.

I tried using Brunt’s to make my own weapon on demand. What a joke. I got a 282 base stat weapon. Seriously? At least VT2 gave you a weapon rating related to your highest drop item +/- some small amount. What a fantastic idea to give appropriately leveled gear.

It’s insane to me you’ve created this great game with a ton of variety and options for builds, but you’ve locked so much of it away behind slot machines. Why? Why would you do this to yourselves? Why would you prevent your biggest fans from enjoying as much of the game as they can?


Fatshark is actively preventing us from accessing the limited game content. Experimention with different builds shouldn’t be locke away behind RNG so much.

I would be fine with relying on random drops for blessings / weapons if you could customise the weapon perks and blessings without any limitations. The whole “lock” system on weapon perks and blessings has to go