Please FS, consider a rebalance in Ragers and Crushers audio clues

I guess this is going to be a long one.

I love the sound and music in this game.
From weapons, hit markers, movement and enemy cues to that banger of a soundtrack, Darktide is just audio perfection… Most of the time.

Trappers, mutties, bursters, hounds, bombers and flamers audio cues are absolutly fine as they are characteristic and distinguishable. Except in some weird cases and rare audio bugs, you know when and from where these nasty guys are coming. Beeps, screams, howls, cool and catchy phrases… My team love these units. We gave them funny nicknames and we like to repeat their lines whenever they appear.

But then we have this masters of shadows, this lords of silence, these sneaky ninjas at Nurgle’s service… ragers and crushers.

The problem: In many cases, both units (also maulers and bulwarks) appear without having barely made a single sound, or if they do, they are completely muffled by the rest of the sounds and the music. This is wrong and very, very dangerous. This units could perfectly end your run if you don’t know where they are. Crushers are specially dangerous since they can end your run with a few or even one blow.

Ragers, crushers, maulers and bulwarks are, most of the time, too quiet, when they should be the opposite. Ogryns in heavy armor and crazy berserkers. C’mon, Fatshark.

Ragers should scream absolutely brutally, laughing, giving them an entrance and a perfectly distinguishable sound before they pounce on you to destroy you with their axes. Crushers should sound like a walking tank, heavy breathing and heavy steps, with loud metallic sounds. We should know when they’re coming, just like we know when a bomber or a burster is coming. Where is the characteristic audio cue of these guys? Is almost non-existent. Sometimes, and only sometimes, we can here some phrases, steps, laughs and screams, but is so quiet and generic that is barely distinguishable.

Please, dear Fatshark, can we have a rebalance on this guys audio cues?
Thank you very much!


I swear, someone accidentally shoved the melee dregs voice files where the rager’s should be and vice versa, because sometimes with the melee dregs they start chanting ‘RAGE! RAGE! RAGE! RAGE!’ while the dreg rager’s voice lines are normal everyday ‘praise to Nurgle’ stuff.


Just remake Crushers for the love of the game. The damn thing has no combat mech, just heavy armor and you need to over power the armor to kill it. Super stupid design with no combat mech. Otherwise you just gotta headshot it for 10+ times. In Auric, there are 5 of them at a time. If we don’t have Plasma vet (or armor piecing attacks in our team) = shiit show.

Head shotting a Chaos Warrior in V2 is way more meaningful. DT has so many different categories of enemies and armors that it’s freakin annoying.

I said it before and I’ll say it again, Crushers are piece of junk.

Crushers are why I’m either Plasma vet, Can Opener IV Ripper Ogryn, Thunder Hammer/Bolter/Revolver Zealot, or Revolver or Brain Burst Gun Psyker on my teams half the time. People don’t bring anti-armor all that much and it’s kinda a necessity past Malice.

Yeah that’s the fact. Exactly what you said. A lot of people opt to Plasma because it’s very annoying having to deal with Crushers.

To be honest, I don’t even care about Crushers in normal Damnation where they come 2 or 3 max at a time. It takes time to kill them but acceptable. However, in conditioned Damnation like Auric, they can come 5 or 6 at a time “constantly”.

Last night I played in a game where there were no heavy damage and we had to res 2 ppl surrounded by 3 Crushers, and other 2 Crushers about 8m ahead, AND 2 MORE CRUSHERS following us. So in total it’s 7. You know what we did? We just Zealot run to the end and didn’t start the last objective until we res the other 2 and finish the Crushers.

I’m gonna say it again, Crushers are the most non-mech, no-design mob in this game. How the hell you have 100% armor and can still move? Your elbows/knees have to fold or bend.

It continues to be ridiculous that Ragers, Maulers, Bulwarks, and Crushers can sneak up on players. Like, in the middle of a major horde, maybe. But even then, it should be because the player wasn’t paying attention. This has really easy solutions.

Ragers ought to shout and scream constantly. You always knew when Plague Monks were coming at you. Turn up their volume, and reduce time between their callouts. Another possibility, give them chainswords and make them never stop revving them once they notice a player.

Unless you give that feature to Maulers. I think Maulers should stomp really loudly and have a distinct voice callout as soon as they notice a player, but having them rev their chain axes when they’re aggroed would also work.

I think Bulwarks should snicker. They have big shields to hide behind; they strike me as smug jerks, so I would make their vocal tell be chuckling to themselves, and taunting the players when they see them, in a similar manner to our own Ogryn, but with some voice modulation of course because they’re full of Chaos grossness.

As for Crushers, I think Crushers should make the screen shake. They need a really distinctive clanking for their walk cycle, and a Darth Vader deep unhealthy breathing, and the screen should vibrate just a little whenever they take a step, getting more intense the closer they are to you. As they are, even putting aside how annoying and dumb it is that Crushers are able to sneak up on you, they feel so light to me. Their lack of clunky heavy noises makes them feel like they’re not wearing armor, just cosplay armor made of cardboard, and something that does as much damage as they do definitely needs to make it immediately clear how much their attacks need to be avoided.

Yeah they don’t talk like Chaos Warriors in V2. V2 audio clues are much better. Chaos Warriors actually call out the name of the character (Wizard, Saltzpyre for example) when he’s approaching.

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