Please Fix Trappers

You think they form 300 Leonidas??

How much space you need?

Did I get hit by shield bash? Yes. Is there a problem?? No.

In hallways and corridors, yes. You are repeating the same point in the same large empty room hoping that it disproves the exact scenario i posited which is the shield overlap in hallways, which does essentially function like Spartan shield wall.

The point is the available space for horizontal spacing thus increasing depth of the stack.

It’s large empty room, if I run across the room. Hello?
Go ahead, do 6 Crushers using the same amount of space I used in the vid. Talk is cheap.

Once again missing the point, I don’t think you will get it. In that room even in the corner you were using, the bulwarks spaced themselved out side by side. In the actual game, they do not have that ability in hallways and corridors.

Its a disconnect between the AI knowing there is space and spacing themselves versus not having the space so the game overlaps the models severely.

You think they always going to be in sync and use their shields to cover the other Bulwalks all the time is just nuts. Of course they will start to spread the more you dodge. Maybe the Bulwarks you met had more IQ? Or maybe you can’t spread them?And what are you talking about here:

You’re in a swimming pool in the game? Why you refer to it as hallways and corridors? It’s either 5x5m, 10x10m, or whatever the size. And I don’t think I used that much of a space in the vid. Unless!! You’re always putting yourself in a situation where you have 2x2m to play with. I think it’s fair to say, you wipe a lot.

Most of the game is hallways and corridors, only the main areas for objectives are more open and none of them are as uncluttered as the meat grinder. Including the debris/crates on the ground there is not enough room to spread them out much and when they move in for melee the rest overlap moving towards you as well. I appreciate your projecting incompetence and “git gud” mentality for basic concepts that you should understand. IYKYK and IYDKYDK

Yeah what’s the measurement you are talking about?? Don’t be vague. I don’t think I used more space than what you can normally find on a map. Btw, how many hours you have?

You are trying to bring player skills into a common knowledge topic, but player skill doesn’t override AI disconnect happening. Whether you can deal with it sure, but not the event happening.

Yeah keep playing victim. Who said this?


I mean, as a veteran I feel sabotaged by my own ogryns blocking my shots… Seems only fair that at least ogryns should block their LOS


You keep trying to talk about hours and difficulty as if that matters for a concept. And you don’t seem to understand the available space concept im talking about with the AI spreading themselves because they know they can.

You did, did you forget already? “You wipe alot” " maybe you can’t spread them" “how many hours do you have”

Nope, I didn’t forget. And there’s a reason why I said that. Maybe I’ll get to it later but not now.

Also not manipulative, just a statement, its not even a skill assessment, just the crushers can be dodged.

The reason is you think that if i play on Malice and only played for 150 hours it somehow makes me less informed on how corridors, hallways, ai stacking, and the blocking system works. Alternatively if i play on AM and have 1500 hours then im not as good as you think i should be with all that time invested.

Meh, they are fine. Wait till they rework and the trapper will drag you away after shooting you through wall.

If anything should be done I think trapper should pull you away or kick you while your down.

Aye, this is one of the maps. Tell me, Mr. Game Designer, where would Bulwalks overlaps in this map when they don’t have enough space?

Because I want to know where you encounter a situation where 6 Bulwalks come in as a pack and you can’t bait their attacks or shoot them from behind. Personally, I only T5A+ and I feel like it’s usually not an issue. So I’m curious what are you on.

As one of the players who is very happy to shout “skill issue” at most peasants from atop my glorious high skill high gumption throne. Trappers are not a skill issue. Trappers are absolutely nonsense.

Trappers can shoot me through 500 layers of carapace armored ogryn booty cheeks. Trappers can shoot me through 9000 poxwalkers. Trappers can shoot me through fences and posts and around corners. Trappers can shoot me without making any sound. Trappers can shoot me when they aren’t even around.

But to me the worst offender is Trappers can unironically shoot me through objects and surfaces that I cannot ping through. I literally cannot ping the enemy to warn my friends it is there, i can see it, but the function for ping is blocked by the surface. But the trapper can shoot its net through that no problem. LUDICROUS.