Make Nets susceptible to hitmass

I’m so, so, so very tired of getting netted through Crushers, Maulers, or 70 poxwalkers. I understand that complete blockage by intervening models wouldn’t be practical or even good for gameplay. But can we draw the line somewhere?

Maybe the nets could work similar to how melee weapons cleave? They could shoot through a given amount of mass, but once the intervening object/creature is too big, or there are too many of them, the net will fail. Something like that?

Most of the time failed runs end with something like ‘oh man that was crazy’, or some kind of serious player error. But getting wrecked because a magical net appeared from behind a wall of flesh, often without even a visible trapper to play around, just sucks. I absolutely hate it.


9000 crusher buttcheeks are not enough to save you from trapper nets.


They shouldn’t go through bosses or Ogryn Elites but everything else is fine for them to pass through lest they are completely neutered.


Them making dogs knock over enemies with their leap was a good change. Crushers knocking over non Ogryns too. But why they didn’t do anything for the net is anyone’s guess.


they actually do AOE damage on overhead.


Please, no more enemy nerfs. It’s fine that they are so dangerous.


They need to fix dogs and probably mutants but Trapper behaviour is incredibly annoying and something I would like to see get tweaked.


Nerf Trapper beatboxing. They’re spamming all their audio cues during my elevator ride, and have none left when the elevator reaches its destination


No. I support the Trapper’s up and coming breakcore soundcloud career and you are toxic for trying to stifle their creativity.


They don’t call them T-Rappers for nuthin.


My grudges with trappers:

  1. Faces me sidewards yet shoots directly at me (rare occurence)
  2. Shoots through walls, terrain, doors, fences…
  3. Shoots with an 100m range net which is aimed at my teammate, I just happen to be in the line of fire

I am rather fine with firing through horde, though I admit, that getting trapped without having a line of sight on the enemy is frustrating.


im aware that it is a thing with recorded proof and all, but for me i never once did i saw any of these things happen. so i really can’t comprehend, how it even can be such a large problem for others.

Seems to happen a lot in Carnival with the iron gates. I’ll hear one coming and stand at the gate with my sword raised ready to chop her when she hops over but instead she just revs her gun and shoots straight through.

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Well, I never had lice but can comprehend that they are nasty :wink:

From my observation:

  1. It happens on grates, chainlink fences etc. any kind of obstacles that standard enemies can shoot through. One could argue, that netgunner is a ranged enemy, but it’s kind of weird to see the huge net flying through tiny hole in the fence.
  2. It can clip through terrain if it’s not aimed at player directly; when the net has been dodged and flies past original target, clipping through something. I’ve seen it happen mostly on stairs, platforms and through the closed doors.

I assume the game engine sees the net as tiny projectile, so the game can track it through smallest of holes or along the terrain, quite similar like sniper shot. It’s just a guess though.

All-in, I can say, that those occurences are not very often.


Could start by actually fixing trapper audio. It makes no sense to me that special that can 1 hit you out of the run has such a pitiful priority in their running sound ques.
If they need more afterwards remains to be seen. I’m personally currently against any massive hitmass changes because its really easy to make this enemy type totally redundant.
Could potentially even make them annoying if their pathing heavily gets messed up due to this.


I agree that I don’t want them to get overnerfed, but I really never want to experience something like this again haha

Unfortunately audio changes wont fix this


Well that’s obviously bit different from mass stuff but yeah that’s obviously bollocks and should be fixed. Cover in general seems to be absolutely random, been even trapped from behind 3 meter pillar like it was nothing.


I understand the frustration but I think it is fine as is. I highly recommend getting used to tagging specials (press T), it will help you a lot with this issue.

You can’t tag through a majority of railings and fences either.


I really like this idea