Make Nets susceptible to hitmass

I have yet to see anyone mentioning they will completely ignore being hit in the head or shoved until they finish their attack.

How many times I have stupidly run up to them to cause a stagger and finish them off, just to see myself being trapped by a laughing idiot that takes the hits of my sword on the face like a champ…
and yes, I tried pushing them, they seem to be completely immune.


A sniper who shoots 0.1 second after spawning, ignoring walls and line of sight, insta kills no matter the build IS dangerous but also r-tarded.
Thats why we dont have a sniper who does that

A netter who ignores any intervening models (and objects since he shoots through mesh too) IS dangerous but also r-tarded.
Unfortunately we have this

Simple solution - netters dont ignore ANY body mass index or terrain anymore, but they reload faster and spawn in larger numbers.
Remember r-tardedness != difficulty

Funny you say that


I have also noticed that a lot of players dont seem to know that freeing someone out of a net is a very quick process, and will just ignore the trapped players even if they have enough space to go for a rescue.

I have had so many situations where there is a trapped player on the floor, i see that a team mate is standing right next to him and has enough time to free the trapped player before the next wave of enemies get to them, but instead of doing a quick rescue they decide to push into the incoming enemies instead.


MORE than they already do? They spawn in groups of 3 already, howmany more do you need?
And there’s already a bug in that makes them shoot twice without a delay…

New mission modifier: Net and Shield

The mission only spawns Bulwarks and Trappers in large quantities.

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Once they cant shoot through walls, mobs and other solid objects they become quite a fair enemy.
Netters are just like poxbursters and dogs before patch 13.
An enemy whos difficulty is purely RNG on how/where they spawn - ranging from almost no problem to 100% runender with no amount of ‘hardcore skill’ can overcome
Like overspawned gunners are


Trappers should have to wait until they have a clear shot to net you, none of this netting you from 100m away, or getting you through a poxwalker horde and the damn walls, etc.


I find them completely unfair but for completely different reasons.

Personally I have never had a problem or I have never noticed a netter shooting through walls or through ogryns, what I have had a lot of problems with is their immunity to stagger.
As a psyker I can’t stagger them unless I use a staff secondary attack: melee has no effect on them, not before they shoot nor after. If they’re running away there’s no slowing or stopping them unless I use a staff secondary attack.

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We can take down trapper with 1 or 2 melee heavy attacks (Auric 5), and no they don’t shoot through solid wall. Nerfing them would kill the fun imo.

They have quite a bit of stagger resistance in melee; I’ve been trapped while in the middle of sawing a trapper’s head off with a revved chainaxe :joy:

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Which is absurd. Ranged enemies should be the weakest.
I also don’t undesrtand how common machine-gunners and shotgunners can have more life than a flamethrower.

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I assume it’s to encourage you to deal with them at range (since they also have damage reduction in melee)

i’d be happier if the net didnt move through solid surfaces and gates/fences


Which is doubly stupid: you already have to reach them to fight them in melee, you should be rewarded for going the extra mile, not punished…


The dangerous enemy is dead, there’s your reward. Not every action needs a bonus attached to it.

There was no ask for a bonus, just not to get a penalty.


“should be rewarded” would suggest a bonus of some sort.

Either way, the game is hinting that there’s a better way to solve the problem. It’s not always a choice, but if you choose the worse way to solve the problem… :person_shrugging:

WTF are you talking about? There’s a whole section of the tutorial that teaches you how to avoid bullets and how to deal with ranged enemies in melee.
Why would they then make the ranged enemies resistant to melee?


I believe this is related to some net code issue or it might simply be how the game registers someone getting hit by a net.

I have situations where i am dodging a trapper about to shoot and end up behind a wall or a solid cover, but due to what looks like dsync i still get hit by the net and it just pulls me straight into the object i dodged behind.

Basically making it look like the Trapper just shot me through a wall or a solid object.

They do seem to be able to shoot through banisters though, which is kind of comical considering the size and shape of the projectile.

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