Is there any plan to adjust what trappers can shoot though

I am mainly complaining because I actually don’t mind how they can shoot straight though enemies I have adjusted for that even though its annoying when they fire though multiple bulwarks/crushers so you can’t see them.

It’s them spawning and needing to jump chain link fences or the tall spike fences in the outdoor area of the new carnival and just shooting you though it with out needing to jump over first.
Also they can shoot though certain waste high tables and cover but not others seemingly at random.


We have no word on it, but you’d hope so.

I don’t really mind them shooting through enemies, or even catching you around a corner when you have almost no LoS of them. But through a chain link fence? We’re not happy about that one chief.


yeah trappers suck, they seem to defy the lays of physics sometimes, i hate when i hear the trapper, look around, can’t see the trapper. only to learn that. apparently it shot me onto the most awkward downward angle through a gap between some metal catwalk railings. like c’mon game, they need an unblocked line of sight to shoot you, a good line of sight, not just some small gap in whatever terrain is around you

make it so they need line of sight but then make them move faster, or even give them the ability to dodge, whatever needs to happen to keep them balanced, if i can dodge their traps why can’t they try to dodge me as they are running away or whatever. just make them fair to verse and i will be happy. i don’t even care if they are harder to kill, i just don’t like being trapped unfairly out of nowhere

cant remember but. i don’t even think ground sliding towards them to go “under the net” even works like at all, i think that is dumb

I’m more annoyed by nets going through fences or thin walls in some instances

If i understand it correctly, the trapper’s attack is technically a hit-scan. So if they’re locked onto you and shoot, and you walk behind a solid object, you’re still going to get caught because the only way to avoid them is to dodge.

That, plus the NPC’s tendency to shoot through pixel-wide gaps and broken geometry, is why Trappers can do what they do.

This got me thinking. All the specials are extremely basic one trick ponies. They walk on the ground towards you until they get line of sight, then try to take a shot.

Anyway my first thought was that back in L4D the hunter could jump between walls, utilising more than just floor geometry.

I’ve seen inklings of some more complex behaviour, but that mostly consists of taking a shot and then running away for a bit before repeating the loop.

Couldn’t we give the specials some more abilities?

The trapper could lay traps around a downed player, the bomber could use different types of grenades, the mutant could do a damaging jump or throw players into each other for damage, the sniper could target exploding barrels, the exploder could attract a local poxwalker horde, the flamer might fire a glob of longer lasting fire into doors/walkways to block a certain route etc.

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yeah specials being more “special” as in, having smarter movement makes allot of sense
not sure about having traps around a downed player. this game is a bit too fast paced to be dismantling traps or whatever, it would be more of an annoyance if anything, can you imagine, your the last person alive, you quickly run to pick up a trapped team mate. don’t see the trap because of dead bodies or your own team mates body and then your trapped as well, game over etc

i always feel like in these games, the challenge should come from more then just “it has allot of HP” the challenge should come from the dev’s making the AI do interesting, maybe even unpredictable things, maybe the trapper could have a smoke bomb to make its running away better and set up plays for other trappers dogs etc, a short smoke bomb nothing crazy

maybe the trapper will decide to enter melee combat instead of just, turning around and leaving, just to get shot in the head, maybe the trapper can set up traps like rigging barrels to explode (with something visual for players to identify) their are so many ways to make these enemies more interesting and challenging while also making them more fair to the players

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You mean you don’t like it when they shoot thru 100 mobs, stair balusters, gates or door jambs?

Gamers are so entitled these days.


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