Close range traper doging is funky

I really dont think this should be a hit, and i lost multiple games like that already

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Definitely looked like a dodge to me


I’ve got a couple weird trapper clips as well. Check this out, she’s aiming like 5 feet to my right when I get netted lol


The timing is a bit iffy.
I recently had the opposite. The net flew right through me, but no hit. I’m not quite sure how it calculates that, maybe it’s dependent on dodge timing and the game runs the check in a line through your position if it assumes a hit, but the animation isn’t quite synced, so you see the net somewhere else?


The game’s code is built around a certain level of lag (because servers) and so has a shet ton of lag compensation built in, to the point where some things actually work worse at 0 ping. Or at least according to some Auric Damnation guy on youtube whose name I forgor

Things in general just seem to be a bit jank and inconsistent

The really odd one is when you dodge and a teammate 5 miles away takes the hit.

One time I thought a trapper was going to drag a teammate up a ledge.

It would be neat to see a Dreg trapper who uses a harpoon and cranks it in dead by daylight style. Alternatively the harpoon pins the teammate to the spot so they can fight but can’t move till is dislodged.

Nooooo way man thats buuuullshiiiit

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Now this one is up to debate, but i hate when they shoot the net thru a crusher or 20 thrashmobs. Mayb there should be collision with certain units, or certain amount of units, or even better, they should be programed to position themself and shoot the net only when there is nothing or very little between them and players. And on this topic, the nets tend to ignore some walls, but the flamers are the real offenders in this case

Not surprised. Dissappointed? Yes.

Mostly because I’ve seen this exact same sort of “dodge by a mile but still hit/ dead on hit but still misses” before. The thing was that it usually was associated with games that had dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of players in a single world at one time. So I expected it as there just isn’t an engine or server out there that can handle all those calculations in real time. Because that is the whole purpose of latency-compensating prediction - it keeps the game from breaking utterly when the server load gets absolutely stupid.

What is dissapointing is that ObeseTubaFish has to employ this when it only ever has 4 players and a few dozen NPCs onscreen at one time. Its a pretty good indication that someone cut some serious corners in net code and servers. Which is resulting in the game pushing certain tasks (ex your actions on-screen) onto your client, then when it does an update it takes the results of the client and compares it to what the server says happened, deciedes which and forces things to fit. Hence the dodging a trappers net but getting caught anyway - on your screen you dodged but because the server is a hundred miliseconds or so in the future it says “nope you did nothing so you get caught”.

Welcome to fighting time-traveling opponents.

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I could see that. Still, doging game ending shots should be smooth and consistent. We had this problem with hounds for the longest time, and even tho its better i still get some bs hits, and as you mentioned, sometimes i swear they just fly tru me and dont hit reg

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That would explain the horrible performance also, Interesting

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Oh its all crap.
Think how many times you’ve had a good shot lined up only to have someone on your side dash into the line of fire just as you pull the trigger and block the shot. Yeah its annoying. And the only way we get around it is to use certain weapons that have some other drawback.

But NPCs? They don’t have drawbacks. No limited supply of ammo, no needing to do X to keep Y buff up, and no having to save an ability to use in case things go south. Which just makes these sort of situations all the more painful because it rubs the entire situation in our faces. They could have required a clear LOS for the net and increased the trappers ability to pathfind to alternate routes and positions. But due to rushing things out and a general approach of “it sort of works so run with it” we got the curret insult.

Will it get changed? No. Too many mouth-breathers who would rather be nice brown-nosers than take the risk of demanding that ObeseTuba’s bargain-basement reject staff do better.

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there is more, when they shoot through gate/fence etc its bs!

Noticed this too, since the patch it seems way off. Normally i can dodge on the sound alone. I don’t even have to be looking at her to dodge it. Recently I’ve been hit by it in silly ways just like this video.

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