Is it me or trapper have changed their behaviour?

This is the third time I see it… I dodge the trapper, that fire the net, and the net go right on me

I can’t really explain other than I see the net going in a direction and the second after it changes of direction right on me…

Someone experiment such thing?
Precision: when it happens, the trapper animation looks weird, like if its torso turned instantly in my direction.
But maybe I am just mad to have been trapped :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s possible that the servers are still being strained. However my theory is we are playing against an older version of trappers.

The reason I think this because it appears we have reverted to Dog behavior that is close to launch dog behavior, as now they can run up next to you and pounce on you, instead of only being able to do that from farther away granting little to no time to dodge.


The age old question of is it my imagination, is it the servers being strained or is it that Fatshark unintentionally brought back old enemy behaviour for having next to no version control of what they release.


I’ve definitely noticed a difference in trappers and dogs, aside from there now being a constant bl**dy stream of them. I feel like I’m in ‘Darktide on Ice’ I’m sliding about so much.

I’ve seen their animation jerk to a new trajectory and then trap me, when their original launch trajectory would have missed.

It even happened with me dodging into a doorway and the trapper net either passed through the wall or followed me into and around the doorframe.

It’s like they’re success at trapping you is now decided earlier.


Considering all other enemies got stealth buffs it would not surprise me if Trappers did too. It’s annoying because I keep looking like an idiot playing how to avoid them as I used to and getting trapped anyways. Though I’ve also noticed way more teammates getting trapped than before as well so I hope people understand.

It’s POSSIBLE to avoid them but feels so much tighter and I’m not exactly sure when the dodge window is meant to be now. I kinda just started taking the double barrel entirely to blast them on reflex instead because it has a higher success rate.


Tbh there is now so many of them, constantly, that I think we’re all just statistically more likely to get the net. Dodge distance reduces after a few dodges too unless I’m mistaken

this is what I experiment also. Not all the time, but it feels really frustrating when you are sure that you dodged it and the game seems to cheat and you end trapped.

This affects a lot my gameplay as I love to explore, get the medikit that everybody have not seen and save the situation at the end…
But now… I fear to goi alone cause of this. I could manage before trappers with 95% chances to eliminate it… now, when I hear the trapper sound, I wonder if the game will cheat again.
well the solution for me is the bolt pistol and explosive shells actually (I really want to give bolt pistol a try…)

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Yes the same for me. Trappers have become abhorrent.

That first big battle area (with the rods) on the new map is just a trapper convention. It’s absurd how many spawn there.


I also did notice I’m more often caught by trappers since last patch.

Don’t know if it’s because I miss my dodges or if the Trappers changed though.

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Hmm I could swear that I had one net today go pass me (mid-dodge) and then net me anyway, and that was before I read your post. I dismissed it as a dodge shortened by some pox walker breathing down my neck.

Multiplayer nature of the game, with network latency and client basically guessing what happened since the last update from the server can result in issues like that, rolling back dodges etc, but this doesn’t happen often and is unavoidable to some degree.

its not just them. ragers are hitting from further away again. reapers move faster when shooting. normal baby gunners fire faster more accurately and in longer bursts. general enemy movement is faster. none of this was even hinted at in patch notes.

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