Please Fix Trappers

Oh sorry, didn’t realize you thought running around a giant room with only 6 enemies that spread themselves out is the equivalent of an actual game where 6 come through basically any hallway or doorway stacked next to each other. The shielding overlaps and the auto-deflect system shields have means one opens and the others block for him. Thanks for showing everyone how disingenuous you are though. Also pointing out that dodging is hard for you isn’t the win you think it is.

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I’m pretty sure the original point was in melee and not just using a ranged weapon with good stagger to get some hits in.

That’s just like, an odd thing to post to prove a point that essentially no one asked for.

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If they are too much of a problem that you can’t create a condition to take them down, idc. Live with it.

@Koranthus02, what difficulty are you running? ign?


I mean that’s what i run a bolter for on my zealot and can manage the ranged fight on most characters but again, this is just entirely dodging the point to argue one that wasn’t brought up.

It’s like someone going “hey you can’t really cook a stir fry without a pan or a wok” and you say “yes i can” and show yourself making a soup.

It’s cool, you can make a soup but that’s not how you do the cooking by the book.

The condition being a wide open room with no obstacles? Ah yes, there are so many of those big empty rooms in most missions, its not mostly tight corridors and slightly wider walkways. Insulting me won’t make your point correct. Shields still block more damage than crushers, the point stands on its own. I see you change the conditions of the discussion so you don’t have to be wrong but that doesn’t make it any less wrong that it was when the point was stated.

Even your quotes nitpick points out of context so you can feel better about replying to half a sentence.

Why you keep talking about something being “wrong” or nitpick specific things?

This basically means Crusher attacks are more punishing

Basically means we can do more damage to Bulwalks without specific builds (weps, talents)

Even if they hit u with a shield, won’t lose a single HP.

th you keep talking like this? what’s the purpose?

How did the condition change?
Exactly stated that:

Are you trolling? What are you playing? lmk

You are ignoring the fact that, in melee, in a normal mission(not the biggest clearest room) 6 bulwarks stacked on top of each other will block the opening of a bulwark swing at you because of the auto block system the bulwarks have if they are within a foot of an attack in the 180 degree cone they have. Also, depending on what character you are running, bulwarks can easily take your whole toughness bar and some health in 1 swing, this is not counting in active talents that proc additional toughness damage reduction. Dealing more damage to bulwarks if they don’t have a shield doesn’t apply to the scenario because the blocks overlap, you aren’t doing any damage at all. Crusher overheads require a dodge left or right, it is a 1 shot, however its also very easy to dodge, now if you got 4 chained overheads it could be tricky but no worse than 4 bulwarks doing it with 2 shields still in the way. You say using stairs and barrels against them, which applies to crushers too. You changed the conditions because you were talking about melee and then you showed a video of you shooting them, might as well just throw a krak grenade and be like “why aren’t you just one shotting them through the shield?”

Most of the time, I don’t have a problem with that. I always kite. I try my best not to put myself in a position where there is no room to play at all because that’s how a party wipe in general. But if it gets really tight with no way out, that’s where I use grenades or ult. I don’t understand why you favor Crushers especially when you’re referring to a situation where we have no room to play. Failing to dodge a Crusher attack = die. Unless you are referring to a situation where you can move and kite a bit, then again, can easily bait out Bulwark attack. It doesn’t take a lot of space to execute.

At what point did I say this discussion is exclusively melee perspective?
Did you even read my post? wth is going on?

This? ““Moreover””??

The assumption about kiting is nice, you are adding variables to the discussion but the discussion is you, in melee,

which is what we were talking about, fighting 6 bulwarks in a normal size hallway, cannot reliably damage them because of shield stacking. You add in grenades and ults, which obviously would help but not what we were talking about, same with teammates, obviously these threats are much easier to deal with if you use an ult or grenade. I have only been talking about melee fighting, obviously if we aren’t counting melee than they are both easy, just throw a grenade or ult and shoot them on the floor. If you can move and kite they are both easy, just shoot crusher in the head and spread out the bulwarks like you did in that video (although i dont think a single space in the actual game is that open without obstacles to spread 6 bulwarks across the room chasing you)

I never knew a discussion can’t have supporting ideas as long as it is in the same scope.

This is literally the first time I mentioned about Bulwarks in this post. Did you see the end statement?

It doesn’t require specific weapons that can deal significant damage to Crushers as long as you can get to the 180• or bait the attack.

We?? You mean, you decided to talk about that specific scenario and I have to ignore my initial comment?

i actually got netted through one of those chain-link fences that the hordes have to climb over lol i saw the trapper on the other side, heard the sound, and thought, “there’s no way fatshark could possible be this incompetent that a net could go through an actual solid wall”. boy was i wrong lol


Chain-link or stairs, it will net you. It has to be solid walls. People don’t like the idea because it’s not realistic (maybe), but I kinda used to it now.

Your end statement does not counter my statement, not sure why you keep pointing out the bait and kill, when I’m literally countering that with the shield overlap issue in most hallways or corridors. All of my points apply to melee and ranged dealing with bulwarks, getting behind the 180 requires you to either have a teammate with aggro or knock them down, if they are stacked in a 6 stack your bullets will bounce off an overlapping shield.

It will still actually shoot through solid walls too if you are at a “it might see the end of your gun around a corner” angle which can be annoying. I feel like they fixed this recently in this patch because i had a trapper run up the chain link fence and then start climbing it instead of trapping me like he used to while i was standing on the other side to see if they fixed it.

Yes, that’s part of it and I addressed.

I don’t think so. You have been calling me out for changing the topic to range, and saying that “we” were talking about melee. Now you just flip, but ok.

Yes, I was adjusting because you were pretending that me talking about melee was a problem, sorry for accommodating you. You didn’t address it, you ignore it by saying you bait the shield, which works on 1 not on 6.

Hitscan projectiles + garbage netcode/servers and latency issues = these kinds of posts. Not denying that trapper shenanigans are an issue, but it’s worth noting that this isn’t a balance problem but a technical one.

Yeah, im not sure if it will receive any priority now that they did a main trapper issues fix sweep like this last patch.

Personally this isn’t an issue to me, but it does become one in the presence of technical problems like the current SFX audio buffering, and latency nonesense. Fix these and this wouldn’t be a problem. FS needs ways to force ranged mains into babysitting melee crackheads while preventing said crackheads from soloing the entire map unassisted. This and crusher/rager doom phalanxes supported by grenadiers and flamers are how this is achieved. For reference the inverse is achieved (ish) by focusing the sh@t out of psykers and vets with rager flash mobs, mutant conga lines, dog squadron charges, and 8m corner-camping-ass-grab melee chaff spawns.